Angry Birds mania continues to spread rapidly even beyond the techie world. Proof of this is that Angry Birds soft toys are also selling like hotcakes at the rate of one million pieces monthly.

Rovio Mobile, the creator of the popular iPhone game that features little birdies using a sling to destroy enemy pigs' lair, claimed that because of the high demand for the game and related merchandise, Angry Birds is the fastest-growing consumer brand in history.

The games have been downloaded 350 million times on iOS and Android platforms. Angry Birds soft toys, accessories and movies also bring in millions of dollars to its creators, Rovio Mobile Senior Vice President of Brand Advertising and Analytics Wibe Wagemans said Wednesday at the Mobile Future Forward conference in the U.S.

The brand is in for another major boost, this time among coffee lovers. The Guardian reports that negotiations are ongoing between Mobile and Starbucks.

To encourage Starbucks customers, who often lug with them laptops while sipping their favorite latte or chatting with friends, Rovio Mobile plans to display customers' scores as they play Angry Birds at participating Starbucks outlets.

"It's tying in the real world with the virtual world.... Retailers get new customers who've not been to their stores yet, and repeat customers," The Guardian quotes Mr Wagemans.

Rovio Mobile pilot tested the scheme in Barnes & Nobles which attracted over 10,000 shoppers to spend more than half an hour inside the stores playing Angry Birds.

"There are retailers out there who have a lot to gain by increasing the time spent at their location, and increasing the money spent there," Mr Wagemans explained.

Angry Birds' best platform, however, is still the cyber world. Proof of this is that Rovio placed a game on Google+, which opened this week its door to the general public. Rovio is also in the planning stage to come up with an Angry Birds version on Facebook and Nintendo DS.