Source: Youtube/iDevicemovies

Apple Inc's iOS 7 reportedly causes severe motion sickness among users who have downloaded and installed the latest Apple software update in their iPhones and iPads. The new design style, especially the zooming and parallax animations, can apparently make people dizzy and feel sick with the iOS 7.

A forum member of Ensorceled wrote that the zoom animation had literally left him with a headache and nauseated. He described the experience as motion sickness when he tried reading while inside a moving car. Other forum users also complained about eye pain dizziness and motion sickness.

Although Apple's iOS 7 has an accessibility feature called "Reduce Motion" for users who don't want too much movement on their screens. iOS 7 users can switch on this option to remove the shifting parallax effect on the homescreen.

Most of Apple's iOS 7 users does not only blame the homescreen for the motion sickness but the zooming effects as well when they open and close apps. Zooming effects are also seen when a user enters the multitasking menu.

One Apple forum user allegedly had "severe vertigo" when he started using his iPad with the newly-installed iOS 7. Another user blamed the latest Apple software update for losing the rest of his day. He had to go home and miss work because he was feeling nauseated when he used his iPhone with iOS 7.

Most of the forum users who complained about the dizzying effects of the iOS 7 had already called Apple Inc's support hotline only to be told by customer care representatives that they cannot completely disable the parallax and zooming effects.

Many users who have installed Apple's iOS 7 have been looking for ways to downgrade their devices back to iOS 6. The iOS 6 was found to be easier on the eyes because the animation when opening apps was quicker than the iOS 7. It didn't have flying movements when opening and closing apps.

One Apple forum user said he had no issues with the previous iOS 6.

University of Minnesotta's Professor Thomas Stoffregen has been studying the causes of motion sickness in his laboratory. He is a professor of kinesiology and has for many years, gathered evidence to support his theory of the causes of motion sickness.

Dr Stoffregen said the problem lies in the body's system for maintaining proper posture. He said other theories refer to motion sickness as losing one's equilibrium but he said it's because people lose their balance that they get motion sickness.

Dr Stoffregen said that motion sickness may worsen with the widespread usage of digital devices like the anecdotal reports experienced by users of Google Glass and Apple's iPhone and iPads with the iOS 7.

How to reduce Parallax, background motion on iOS 7

When Apple Inc unveiled the latest features of the iOS 7, one of those was the Parallax, a feature that supports a moving background as you move your iOS device. With the Parallax, the background image and icons will match how the user will hold his or her device.

If you find the feature pointless or cause you motion sickness, you can just go to Settings > General > Accessibility.

Select the Reduce Option on the Accessibility menu screen. This will turn Off the Parallax of iOS 7.

If you try searching for the Parallax title in your iOS device, you won't find it. The backgrounds or wallpapers that move around are tagged as Dynamic. The setting to remove the Parallax is Reduce Motion.

Be advised that turning off this feature does not completely remove all the motion effects on Apple's iOS 7. As the name suggests, the option will only reduce the effects. Still, it is something that iOS 7 users can do to reduce motion sickness.