Apple on iPhone 6 Confirmed September Release Date "We wish we could say more," New Killer Features

Apple confirms the September 9 event finally with a new invite out. While the invite does not reveal as much details about the iPhone 6 or other upcoming releases from the company, it does confirm that September 9 is a date to watch out. Apple goes as far to indicate "We wish we could say more" on the invite driving more hype. Can Apple sustain the attention with the iPhone 6 delivering the killer device people want?
The hype over Apple's release is incredibly intense that people even resulted to analyzing the released invite. While this has been a natural tendency for many Apple fans and observers, BRG notes that it has gone to a whole new level this year. CNET also reported that people have gone as far to flip the number 9 in an attempt to find out any clues about the iPhone 6. They have also started calculating the numbers on the date (9+9 - 2 + 14 = 30) which does not reveal any additional information.
To see the invite, click here.
In another report by AppleInsider, it appears Apple is intent on including the NFC chip and pushing for convenient mobile payment system on the iPhone 6. The leaked images show a logic board on an iPhone-like device. The board sports a small chip suspected to the NFC controller under NXP. This will supports previous reports about the inclusion of the feature on the upcoming iPhone 6. The chip does not provide details about the name of the manufacturer. It just goes by the name "NSD425." While the chip cannot be found under NXP offerings, Apple has always been known to coordinate with silicon producers for such pieces.
See the photos from Sonny Dickson here.
Apple has not made any official announcements about the specs of the iPhone 6. Analysts noted previously that if Apple can be successful with its NFC and mobile payment then it will be a major game changer.