Apple Not Threatened with Samsung’s Lead; iPhone 5 to put Galaxy S3 in Shame?
Samsung widened the gap against its rival company Apple on the second quarter of the fiscal year due to the release of Samsung Galaxy S3. However, Apple is not affected by the lead.
Reuters conducted a poll in the industry and reported that Samsung increased its lead. Reuters said that Samsung sold 50 million smartphones during the second quarter, while Apple likely sold 30.5 million. The iPhone maker will report the results of its most-recent quarter on July 24, and Samsung will report its second-quarter results July 27. During the first quarter, Samsung sold 41 million smartphones to Apple's 37 million.
"Samsung and Apple have been neck-and-neck for several quarters in the battle to be the largest smartphone vendor, but the May launch of the new Samsung model created a clear gap between the two, the poll of 41 analysts showed," Reuters published in a report.
Samsung's current success is due to the popularity of its recent smartphones - Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3. The demand for the devices yield the biggest smartphone volumes ever shipped from one single vendor in one quarter. Moreover, due to the high demand of the smartphones, Samsung struggled in meeting it.
However, chief executive officer of Apple components partner Foxconn Terry Gou said that iPhone 5 will beat Samsung's flagship phone - Galaxy S3.
In the investor meeting of the Cupertino-based company, Mr. Gou suggested that iPhone 5 will still reign the smartphone wars. Moreover, Foxconn chief said that consumers should wait for the new iPhone.
Some of the rumors about the new iPhone 5 are it will be equipped with a variant of A5X chip, 1GB RAM in iPhone 4S/iPhone 4 casing. New reports said that the media event for the iPhone launch will be held in the next few months along with the iOS 6.
A lot of rumors emerging about the highly-anticipated iPhone 5; however, as expected from the Cupertino-based company, it did not confirm any of the rumors and we may not hear from the company until the launch. There are two types of iPhone 5 rumors; the specifications and features of the device and its release.
iPhone have a strong hold on the Australian market. However, Android devices are slowly gaining popularity and many people are switching their handsets.
ALSO READ: iPhone 5 Already in Production for August 7 Release Date?