Apple Sinks with iPhone 6 Release, Analysts Advise 'I would sell Apple' Possibly Leading to Rotten Portfolio

Apple's press event has been considered one of the biggest announcements this year. Some even put it as the biggest for the company yet. Nonetheless, the introduction of the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch also drew mixed reactions from the market and analysts. Some claim Apple stand to gain its biggest yet while others say that the company lost its magic possibly leading to a rotten portfolio. Which is which? Is Apple a good investment?
Apple's press event sent the company's stock price lower than expected as it closed down to $0.37 to $97.99 last September 10 according to Forbes. DoubleLine's Jeff Gundlach also shared a bearish outlook on the company's stock. "I would sell it," Business Insider quoted Gundlach. In 2012, he was also one of the few individuals who provided a bearish look on the company's stock despite trading with a near all-time high around $700. Forbe's contributor, Chuck Jones, gives Apple a score of A- following its latest event. This is because larger iPhone screens are already late when compared to competition. The device also does not sport the much awaited Sapphire Glass that will supposedly differentiate it from existing competition.
Forbes noted that the Apple Watch appears like a breakthrough item for the company but final verdict over the item and its performance will come in 2015 upon release. There is also doubt over user adoption of the Apple Pay.
Apple Pay is both interesting and intriguing. According to CNET, it may not be the most awaited or most applauded part of the event but analysts think it can be a game changer along with the Apple Watch. Apple Pay will be accessible throughout 220,000 merchant locations in the US - enterprises that work with NFC mobile payments already. PiperJaffray analyst Gene Munster considers the new payment system as "potentially the most important Internet service introduced by Apple since iTunes."
The analyst also noted: "Overall, we view the offering as significantly more built out than we previously expected in terms of the quality and number of partners as well as the level of integration into the iPhone." However, some analysts still wonder how Apple can execute the system properly and securely following the nude photo hacking accident.
In another report by Forbes, there are four reasons why Apple may not be good for investor portfolio. These include: Apple being nearly everywhere, Apple being a tech company, Apple's stock price being volatile and Apple being in unsure position when it comes to competition. The company's performance relies once more upon the actual release of its devices and their sales.