Apple still trumps Android in the US mobile market
The iPad skews figures Apple's way
The Android robot may have overtaken Apple in the smartphone market, but this was when smartphones were the only players in the connected mobile devices sector. But now that the iPad and iPad 2 have joined the iPhone and iPod Touch in the world of mobile media, Apple registered a 59 per cent slamdunk over Android devices.
This was reported by market research firm comScore in a study of the 234 million strong mobile device users market in the United States. Users on iOS devices comprise 37.9 million users or 16.2 per cent of the pie against 23.8 million users or 10.2 per cent of users on Android devices. Those who suspect the Apple fanboy factor to be a significant influence on the results will be wrong, comScore said. Only 10% of iOS users surveyed have more than one iOS device. However, 25 per cent of iPad users are also iPhone owners, another 17 per cent of iPad owners also have Blackberry phones.
"There's not a tremendous amount of overlapping mobile device access among these users," Mark Donovan, ComScore senior vice president of mobile, said. "This of course has significant implications for the developer community as they consider the market potential in developing applications for different mobile platforms."
The largest age segment of iPad users is the 25-34 year olds (27.0 per cent) in relation to the total mobile audience (17.6 per cent). iPads also exhibited significantly above average skews in the 18-24 year old and 35-44 year old segments. However, this demographic profile was similar to that of the overall smartphone user base, indicating that the advanced mobile capabilities rather than the device itself might be primary demand driver behind this age profile.
Just as past reports of Apple's demise have now been proven wrong, perhaps the reported rise of Android may be headed for the same fate.
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital business analytics.