Apple's A7 chip has been a standard for all tech manufacturers since its release. The tech giant has dominated the chipset arena as other smartphone manufacturers work to catch up to the 64-bit framework. With the upcoming release of the iPhone 6, reports suggest that Apple could be working on an improved chipset via the A8 processor. Will smartphone manufacturers like Android-based companies be able to catch up? Is Apple really leaving Android competitors in the dust?

According to ABI Research, Apple continues to dominate 64-bit mobile devices. Android manufacturers may catch up soon but Apple's early lead may dissipate in four years time. Some think the time frame is long enough for Apple to develop another chip. Others think it should put pressure on Apple.

The market can expect the first Android 64-bit version to come out in the second half of 2014. The release of Android 64-bit chipset will support the 64-bit compliance for tablets and mobile phones according to ABI.

According to the report, around 182 million 64-bit mobile processors will be launched towards the end of the year. However, around 20 percent only will find their way to Android devices. Apple's A7 still remain large shareholder of the market. That is, the A7 chip can be found on iPad tablets and iPhone 5s.

Analysts are mixed about Android's possible performance against Apple's 64-bit architecture. Some believe that the upcoming Android release could drive Apple's shares to decline. The report also estimated that by 2018, 64-bit based units will total 1.12 billion for both tablets and smartphones.

According to the projections, 60 percent of the chips will be in Android devices whereas only 30 percent will be in Apple devices. Microsoft may get 9 percent of the market share in the future. Similarly, analysts also expect the 64-bit transition to trickle into personal computers.

Apple's iOS is 64-bit compliant whereas Android matches x86 processors only. It is not based on ARM yet. Google has commented on the matter. Unless Google decides to make some changes then Apple will continue to dominate in this arena. The iPhone 6 will reportedly run on Apple's new A8 processor which is even better than the A7.