Arsenal goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny was not at his best form during the 2012/13 season of the English Premier League, losing his place as number one keeper at times, but has proved in this year's campaign that he is deserves wearing the number 1 on his shirt.

The Polish international divulged the reason that he thrives in the Gunners team recently is more of a psychological matter rather than physical.

"Physically there is not much difference," Szczesny told

"You try to put in an extra 10 per cent in training, but if you ask me I would say I was just as fine then as I am now."

"It was just that you concede a few goals that you could have done better with, people get on your back and it all seems to happen against you. It is like in Fifa when you are losing 3-0 and then all of a sudden your friend kills you 7-0 - it is one of those things!"

"I wouldn't say that physically a lot has changed, and it is not an excuse but I feel I have been a bit luckier since then."

Experience is indeed the best teacher, and Szczesny has benefitted from everything that he has gone through.

"It comes down to maturity. The older you get, the more games you play and you know how to deal with things, you know how to prepare for things. It is not only about being professional, it is also about being relaxed and you don't feel that when you have played 10 or 15 games at the top level."

The proud keeper humbly admitted that while he is at his best form at the moment, he is still a student of the game.

"You start to feel that when you get your personal life in place and you know when to work hard, when to relax or when to have a laugh. I'm still learning, I'm not saying I have it spot on but everything seems to be going well for me and I want to keep it going."