In another display of how social media could turn a cute kiddy prank into something viral, an apology letter written by a nine-year-old boy named Zac from Adelaide, Australia is being read by thousands of amused Facebook members.

The handwritten letter, which the boys' mother posted on her Facebook page and which she allowed Adelaide Now to publish, was addressed to the boy's younger brother whose testicles the older kid pinched.

Besides saying sorry for his prank, which he admitted, would not take away the younger boy's pain, he offered $1 retribution.

The letter continues to go around social media sites.

Hopefully, Facebook members who share the apology letter won't suffer the same fate as other FB members had when a Tumblr link titled Reasons My Son Is Crying, got deleted from their Timeline.

Facebook said it is not a form of a censorship, but a technical glitch that was fixed.