Apple device owners reported that the Apple iOS 5.0.1 update did not resolve the battery issues as promised during its release Thursday. Apple admits in a report that the update failure is on some apple devices only.

Apple reassures the public though, in a statement to AllThingsD that it will continue to investigate on the issue. But confirmed that majority of the devices on iOS 5.0.1 update already had their battery issues resolved.

Since the update, Apple's support forum was flooded with complaints to prove that battery issues weren't addressed by the update and to negate the statement of Apple that majority of the devices are already working well.

One post from user Gideonhaj said that when he upgraded to iOS 5.0.1 his phone went worst and said that he will visit the Apple store if they can have the problem fixed or else he will just ask for a refund. Another user said that when he upgraded to iOS 5.0.1, the battery performance dropped dramatically even if turned off or not being used.

However, many Apple users suggested a list of things to do to address the battery issues like draining the battery until power is totally out after the iOS 5.0.1 update and charge for 10 hours to achieve the battery's full potential. Also on the list of suggested battery fix were to reduce brightness, disable email push, turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and disable vibrate to name a few.

Other users disagree with those suggestions just to make the battery life better because turning everything off just defeats the purpose of buying a smartphone like the iPhone 4S. But to many, battery life depends on how one maximizes their smartphones.

Mashable conducted a poll Friday regarding the battery issue. From almost 2000 respondents results showed that 900 respondents said that battery issues were never addresses. Three hundred fifty respondents said that the performance went worst, while six hundred respondents said that the update kept its promise to fix the problem.

Consumers will have to wait for further announcements from Apple as to how these issues will be further addressed.

It may be recalled that when Apple iPhone 4 was released last year, the Antennagate issue was raised. Just a month after iPhone 4S' release last October 14, 2011, consumers have been having problems with the unit as well. With these issues being raised to apple products, consumers raised a question as to whether Apple has been testing their products before commercial release.

Apple iOS 5.0.1 update is a software update in response to the issues of Apple iOS 5. Among the updates the software should address were the battery life issues, iCloud synchronization issues, improvement on Australian user voice recognition and multitasking gestures for the iPad.

This update is the first iOS update released "over the air", a new feature that came with the release of iOS 5. The over the air technology is a method of distributing software updates to mobile devices with the necessary settings handsets with the necessary settings. Mobile device with this capability are labeled as being "OTA capable."

Apple recently released the fifth generation iPhone. The iPhone 4S sports a 3.5-inch screen; an 8-megapixel, 1080p high-definition camera; an A5 dual-core chip processor that a graphic processor that is seven times faster; two antennae to transmit and receive data; CDMA and GSM connectivity; 8 hours of 3G talk-time, and new applications like Siri and Find My Friends. Apple has reported record sales of 4 million units of the iPhone 4S in the first three days.