Betheseda to release a 5th year anniversary edtion for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Betheseda's well received Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will be released in a new, 5th anniversary edition this June for the PC, Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 platforms.
This new editions will have the Game of the Year edition of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the Collector's Edition Download Content, the "Making of" DVD and a $10 off coupon for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The game will cost $29.99 in most retail stores.
The Elder Scrolls Oblivion is a single player role playing video game that takes place in the fantastical realm of Morrowind. The player has to stop a cult hell bent on opening the gates to Oblivion. The game is free ranging and players can spend hours exploring the game world.
The game was published by Betheseda Softworks and 2k Games. It was released for the PC on March 20, 2006. A release for the PS3 followed on March 20, 2007. The Game of the Year edition was released on September 10, 2007.
Oblivion was very well received. It garnered several Game of the Year awards from a number of industry bodies. It had sold over three million copies by January 18, 2007. Betheseda made use of the Havok physics engine that made game play more intense. The Radiant AI system allowed NPC to make choices and engage the player in a more complex way.
The new revamped edition can be pre-ordered at online retailers. The new edition doesn't offer anything new but if you've never played the game before you should buy this version to get every version of one of the best RPG games in the past ten years. Hard core fans will just get this to round out their collections, and maybe for the $10 coupon.