“Big Brother Australia” fourth nomination night heard gasps and shocks from the housemates. Two of the previously never-been-nominated housemates are in the leader board of nominees. And why did Caleb have two nomination points onto himself?

During the eviction night on Monday, Tully was visibly still upset over the boos she heard from the studio audience when host Sonia Kruger talked to her. She couldn’t understand why people outside the house didn’t want her.

Mikkayla, on the other hand, knew that there were people in the house who would rather hear her name called out for eviction than hear Jasmin’s, but she just brushed it aside. And she was right. Tully, who has wanted Mikkayla out since the start, was angry that Mikkayla got lucky again. Also Ed, who, along with Heidi, was closest to Jasmin, admitted to Drew that he thought Mikkayla would go. It seemed that Jasmin’s one-time kissing partner was taking her eviction hard.

But no one cried harder than Tully, which ticked off Jasmin’s real closest friends. Heidi thought Tully was overreacting, making Jasmin’s exit all about her, when in fact she wasn’t really that close to the former flight attendant.

Meanwhile, Jade was offended by what Jasmin said about her in the latter’s “message from the grave.” Jasmin also said that she couldn’t bond with the barmaid/part-time model no matter what she did.

“If I can give one bit of advice to Jade it would be that beauty isn’t everything and you don’t need to use your body to get what you want in life,” Jasmin said in the video. “People will respect and love you for who you are and not what you have.”

While Jade appeared to have laughed (read: snorted) during Jasmin’s speech, she privately confessed to Drew that she was hurt.

“That’s my career she was talking about. I’m a model not because I’m like, ‘I’m so gorgeous,’ but I’m a model because I’m an idiot and that’s the only thing I can do,” the 23-year-old blonde beauty from Ballina self-deprecatingly admitted.

“Seriously I finished school when I couldn’t go to uni because I couldn’t get a UAI,” her voice slightly cracked as Drew consoled her. “It’s not like I did modelling because I think I’m so great and I want to use my body to get what I want… People think I’m threatening because the way I look.

Drew gave her comforting advice, assuring her that it’s more than her looks that’s interesting. She and Jasmin just didn’t click together.

In the lounge, Drew told the housemates that Jade was offended by what Jasmin had said about her. But Heidi remained unsympathetic to her pretty girl plight, saying she totally missed the point. The radio jock explained that Jasmin wasn’t talking about her career, but her behaviour in the house. She might have a point since some of the girl housemates have been talking about how she flirts with both Drew and Ed.

Later on, Big Brother informed the housemates that the rules have changed. Instead of winning the nomination superpower during the Showdown, the evicted housemate will now give his or her chosen housemate the superpower. And for this week it was Jasmin’s to give, and she gave it to Heidi.

Big Brother also announced that “wishy-washy” reasons for nominating a housemate are not accepted anymore. If they give such reasons, the nomination points would instead be counted to their own tally.

As the holder of nomination superpower for the week, Heidi was given the Insider superpower, which gave her three opportunities to ask BB three yes-or-no questions during the Nominations process. She could also nominate two points when she asked questions, making her points a total of six.

She asked if she has been nominated yet, did Ben nominate for strategic reasons, and did Mikkayla nominate Matt. The answers to all three were “no.” Then she nominated Tim for two points.

On her second opportunity, she asked the following questions: Have I received any nomination points as yet? (Yes), Am I in the red zone? (Yes), and Is Jade in the red zone? (No)

Then she nominated Jade for two points.

On Heidi’s last opportunity to ask three questions, she asked: Am I still in the red zone? (Yes), Did Tim nominate me? (No), and Is Jade in the red zone yet? (Yes)

Her last two points went to Tahan.

Ed was once again consistent. For four consecutive weeks, he nominated Mikkayla for the same reason: she’s bossy. He denied, though, that he had a vendetta against the English language teacher when BB pointed out that he had been nominating her every single week.

Caleb, unfortunately, inadvertently nominated himself. BB had taken off two points from him and added it to his own tally for apparently attempting to influence the nomination decision of the Sugar Sisters when he talked to them about Tim’s pranks. The fireman insisted that wasn’t his nomination at all, but BB was adamant, and therefore, Caleb’s two points went to himself.

There had been a five-way tie for the sixth nominee. And since Tully had the most points (15), she had the power to choose which one from the five tied housemates – Ben, Heidi, Katie & Lucy, Matthew, and Mikkayla – she would like to nominate. As expected, she chose Mikkayla.

So the nominees for the week are Tully (15), Caleb (9), Jade (8), Ed (6), Tahan (6), and Mikkayla (3). And as before, the list is not final yet. Big Brother will be swapping one nominated housemate with a safe one. How and who? They will find out on Thursday.

Nominations tally:
Mikkayla – Tully (4), Ben (1)
Ben – Matthew (3), Caleb (2)
Tahan – Katie & Lucy (1), Ed (4)
Drew – Heidi (3), Ed (2)
Katie & Lucy – Tahan (4), Tully (1)
Jade – Tully (2), Caleb (3)
Caleb – Caleb (2), Tully (3)
Tully – Jade (3), Ben (2)
Ed – Mikkayla (3), Katie & Lucy (2)
Matthew – Jade (3), Tully (2)
Tim – Caleb (2), Tully (3)
Heidi – Tim (2), Jade (2), Tahan (2)

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