“Big Brother Australia” housemate Tim has been called a narcissist and “almost evil” by his fellow guests in the house, but perhaps he has taken his evilness a step further with a fake birthday prank. The university student, with the help of BFF Drew, got everyone to do his bidding for a day, which didn’t bode well for him in the end.

Earlier, best buds Caleb and Matthew locked lips! And it wasn’t just once, but many times over! It wasn’t intentional, though. They were playing Big Brother’s Pass or Fail challenge. They needed to transfer each floating ball from the machine to the container on the table by using their lips. And when pairs of lips are involved, it’s almost inevitable that those would touch. The fireman and the ex-soldier were good sports, though, even hugging every after they turned a ball successfully in (and after inadvertently kissing each other).

Mikkayla, Tahan, and Jasmin had a hearty and full breakfast with the others, their first breakfast in the house without the division of the walls. But if they only knew what their Pass or Fail challenge was after their breakfast, they wouldn’t have touched a single croissant on the table.

The trio were asked by Big Brother if they wanted to eat 15 hotdog sandwiches in 20 minutes. Of course, saying no would mean getting Fail balls. Not wanting to disappoint their housemates, the girls took up the challenge, each one trying their hardest to swallow five hotdogs. Mikkayla, a self-professed food lover, was able to chow down all five of her share, while Tahan was able to finish two. Jasmin struggled all the time, failing to finish her share.

And since they weren’t able to consume all 15 hotdogs in 20 minutes, they were given 20 Fail balls by Big Brother.

Jade’s challenge was to choose whether to play or delete the recording of Tahlia’s message to Tully. Tahlia is Tully’s girlfriend. Jade was in the Diary Room while the rest of the housemates were watching her via live feed from the lounge. The 23-year-old barmaid and part-time model had deleted the message, reasoning out that Tully would have done it for the whole team. She was right. Tully said so herself in the lounge.

See video of their challenges here:

As first reported, Tim fooled everyone into believing that it was his birthday on Thursday. It wasn’t. He turned 29 in April, but he told his housemates that it was his 30th birthday. Only Drew was in on the prank.

More of the story here: Big Brother Australia Knocks Down Walls + Showdown Winner And Nomination Swap [VIDEOS]

As the “birthday boy,” Tim was chosen by the housemates to draw the ball in the lottery machine, in which they would determine if they had passed or failed the challenge.

They needed to draw a green ball to pass. The odds were in their favour, with 117 green balls collected and only 44 pink balls. After eating bland food diet for a week (they failed their ice cream challenge), the housemates rejoiced when Tim drew a green ball, which meant they were entitled to a luxury food budget for a week.

More celebrations followed. Tim demanded special privileges from his housemates, including a back ride from Mikkayla around the pool and getting everyone to dress up like an ‘80s rock star for his birthday (Ed even wore lipstick for him!). Big Brother refused to give Tim a fake birthday party, telling him and Drew to get themselves out of their own mess.

The two friends reckoned that the housemates would laugh once they revealed their prank, or at least the boys would. And laughed they all did, at least at first. Then they got Drew and Tim to wash the dishes after their normal, non-celebratory dinner. They also hid Tim’s clothes under Heidi’s bed as retribution.

Tully was once again the most upset of the group, particularly because Drew, whom she considered her closest friend for the time being (Matt used to be her “guy”), kept a secret from her.

“What am I? His boyfriend?” Drew asked Tim.

“Apparently, you are,” his fellow university student answered.

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