“Big Brother Australia” ‘80s eviction night has seen another housemate inadvertently fleeing from the house. Another unlucky housemate was voted out by the viewers, plus Tully got a clue of how unpopular she is outside the house.

The whole house was feeling the ‘80s vibe, even host Sonia Kruger had her hair done in ‘80s ponytail. But despite the festive atmosphere, the nominees – Ben, Mikkayla, Tahan, Jasmin, Matt, and the Sugar Sisters Katie and Lucy – couldn’t get into the groove as much as their non-nominated housemates. One of them was going home, and none of them wanted to yet.

So was voted out?

It was down to Mikkayla and Jasmin at the last tally, with Mikkayla fearing the worst after her lucky streak two weeks in a row had run out. But alas, it was the lipstick-loving bespectacled flight attendant who got the least amount of votes.

Big Brother Australia - Jasmin

Jasmin, the 24-year-old beauty from Victoria, the very same girl who gave 23-year-old part-time model Jade serious competition for the affection of house hunk Ed, made her housemates cry when her name was called by Sonia. She was given just ten seconds to say goodbye to her friends, which was too short a time for the housemates who have grown to love her in a few short weeks. Tully, of course, had the loudest cry of all.

It was unfortunate, too, as she has just reconciled with prankster Tim in the house. Jasmin is perhaps the only housemate who could tell Tim to his face how selfish he was acting. The others, save from Caleb just recently, just talked behind his back.

Jasmin thought that Tim either made everything about himself all the time or had to stir up trouble by bringing up unnecessary issues on the table. At one point Jasmin was so shaken up during her confrontation with him that she cried in the bed beside Heidi later. Their argument continued on during breakfast, with Jasmin walking out when Tim seemed unable to comprehend that it’s not his prerogative to shake things up if he’s not personally involved.

But their unpleasantness was put on behind as Jasmin and Tim kissed and made up after. As a dare from Big Brother, Tim and Jasmin locked lips on the first weekend party that the dividing fence was gone.

The next morning, Tim asked his younger housemate if she had any regrets about kissing him last night, to which Jasmin replied, “Never, Timmy, never. I love a good pash.”

During her exit interview with Sonia, Jasmin was surprised to know that Jade had been very upset with her for kissing Ed in the spa for the first time. Things got quiet and serious in the studio when Jasmin was explaining her non-existent relationship with Jade.

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She also talked about her testy relationship with Tim.

Is Tim really just in love with Jasmin? Sonia showed Jasmin the video in which Tim was kissing her and looking at her like he was so into her. Perhaps that explains why Tim was always into her case.

As the latest evictee, Jasmin had the power to give a nomination superpower to one of the remaining housemates. She gave it to Heidi.

When Big Brother talked to the housemates individually and asked them who they predict would go home, most of them answer Mikkayla. But what the housemates think of their fellow guests isn’t exactly what the viewers think.

Judging by the comments on the Big Brother Australia official Facebook page, Tahan has a lot of detractors, especially after she got a little mean to the Sugar Sisters. But people were voting for the housemate that they would like to stay for a week longer, not for the one they wanted to be sent home. Mikkayla even got a voting score of 15%, higher than Tahan Matthew, who is every housemate’s best buddy. So while Jasmin didn’t have that many critics as Tahan, her fans didn’t vote enough for her as well.

Just like what happened to Xavier last week. He didn’t have a lot of critics as much as his other housemates, but his fans were not as proactive as well.

Here’s the eviction tally:
Jasmin – 6%
Tahan (tied) – 13%
Matthew (tied) – 13%
Mikkayla – 15%
Sugar Sisters – 22%
Ben – 31%

Tully was upset (again) for a different reason. When Sonia called her name, she heard the live audience booing.

“Boos?” the social media strategist was momentarily sidetracked.

She also heard a little bit of the audiences’ reaction last week, but the boos were perhaps louder on Monday night because she seemed to have a clearer clue on how people outside the house perceive her.

She told as much to Drew. And while Drew was listening to her complain, he wasn’t as accommodating earlier. In fact, he told best pal Tim how fed up he was with Tully. And Tim supplied helpfully that perhaps if Tully didn’t have a girlfriend outside the house, she would pursue Drew because there’s a lot of sexual tension between them.

And that’s exactly what some of the show’s fans are thinking on social media right now.

Also, Jade walked topless in the bathroom where Ed was just a few metres away. The barmaid from Ballina became a lot more comfortable with the 26-year-old sports manager after they French kissed one more time during the party and slept (literally) together.

And her state of undress wasn’t overlooked by the other members of the house. Heidi quickly told everyone in the kitchen how Jade was showing off her body near Ed.

So does that mean Jade will be nominated once again? Mikkayla seemed like an easy target for the housemates, and Tully has annoyed even her best friends in the house. Or maybe the housemates would be unanimous in voting Tim this time around?

Nomination night is on Tuesday.

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