“Big Brother Australia” has evicted its first housemate. Mum of three and ex-cop Sharon has been voted out in the Gold Coast house after garnering the lowest votes.

For two weeks, Sharon, 41, has made friends in the house and whipped her housemates into shape with personal training sessions.

She was immediately drawn to Ben, telling BB that she wanted to play mother hen to the quirky single from QLD. Ben then became her BB-ordered bestie in the house, though it seemed like she bonded more with her other Safe housemates than with him.

Ed, who won the second Showdown, even picked her to share the Presidential Suite with him, saying he wanted to share the luxury to another housemate who was doomed to the Halfway house. There are five others he could have chosen to spend the night with, but it was Sharon whom he thought to share it with, even giving her the waterbed for herself.

It was probably with Jasmin whom she bonded the most. Sharon called the former flight attendant her “little rock” who reminded her of herself when she was younger.

But while she bonded with her housemates in the Safe house, it was not the same story with the original Halfway housemates. Tahan, Matthew, Xavier, and Caleb all voted for her during eviction nomination night because they felt that Sharon didn’t even bother to get to know them.

Luckily for them, the feeling’s mutual for Sharon. The 41-year-old Victoria resident also voted Tahan for eviction because she thought the 24-year-old government worker and part-time model was “dumbing herself down.”

She also didn’t like Xavier for being an “arse” when the 27-year-old property manager asked the Halfway housemates if they’re happy with their breakfast ration.

Tully, on the other hand, was particularly sad that Sharon was the first to go. The social media strategist admitted that she was hoping Sharon could be the maternal mother figure that she was looking for in the house, since her own mum is battling Alzheimer’s.

It was bittersweet for Sharon to be evicted. She had been very vocal in missing her kids from the start, but she didn’t plan to be the first to go home.

Here’s the voting tally:
Drew – 38%
Tim (tied) – 22%
Jade (tied) – 22%
Heidi – 9%
Jasmin – 5%
Sharon – 4%

Meanwhile, the sun temporarily stopped shining on the always jolly sisters Lucy and Katie. The sweet blondes felt the other housemates were giving them the cold shoulder, which they cried as much to Big Brother in the diary room.

Jade wasn’t also feeling the love from the other female nominees. Sharon and Jasmin claimed Jade was really annoying with her constant flirting with the boys. Drew didn’t believe anyone could hate on Jade, though. For him it was unthinkable that his very likable “ex-wife” would annoy anyone in the house.

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