“Big Brother Australia” wasn’t through with the twists. The walls were down, a housemate got a strike, the Showdown came early, an eviction nominee saved herself, and Tim celebrates his “birthday.” And that’s just the beginning.

But first, Big Brother issued another house challenge for their shopping budget. After eating bland meals for a week, the housemates were given another chance to improve their dietary condition. In the game of Pass or Fail, each housemate would be given a task, in which they can either say yes to or refuse. If they refuse or if they fail the task, they would earn Fail balls. But if they win, they would of course get Pass balls.

All balls that they would earn would go to the lottery machine, and they would draw the ball in the end. Whatever ball they get (green for pass or pink for fail), that’s what the result of their shopping challenge would be. So the more Pass balls they earn, the bigger the chance that they would draw one of them.

Ben’s challenge was to resist the temptation to go to the Diary Room, where his beloved mum Margaret was waiting for him, or to stay in the lounge area. Although he wanted to give his mum a hug, he chose to stay, which therefore earned him 15 Pass balls.

It seems that short of getting dissed by Tahan, there’s nothing that can dampen the spirit of the Sugar Sisters. Katie and Lucy, who are nominated for eviction, got to see the Halfway bedroom side of the house for the first time. But instead of getting upset like everyone got, they even thought the room was “cosy” and the bathroom “cute.”

They also thought they were being rewarded instead of being issued a challenge at first when it was their turn to play Pass or Fail. BB asked the spray tan-loving sisters if they wanted to have a spray tan, which of course they did. And they were spray tanned right then and there. But they should have known BB doesn’t give rewards without a catch.

After their first spray tan, BB asked them to come back in the Diary Room four more times to ask them if they wanted to have a spray tan just as many number of times. The sisters enthusiastically said yes every time, laughing all through the ordeal. They looked like Oompa Loompas in the end, but the sisters proved that they are not only good sports, but they accept challenges with big smiles on their faces as well.

Ed’s challenge got everyone laughing. The housemates had discovered early on that his weakness was a banana; it’s the only thing that he wouldn’t eat. So Big Brother made it his challenge. Heidi was to feed him bananas, and each one that he finished would earn him Pass balls. For anyone else, it was not even a challenge, but for Ed, eating bananas was the worst thing in the world. The housemates, who were able to see him through live video feed, couldn’t help but laugh at poor Ed who was forcing himself not to throw up as he swallowed each bite.

Tully might have won the Showdown on Friday night (aired Saturday), but she wasn’t having a good week so far. Big Brother has given her a strike for telling others about her nomination superpower. As per BB rules, a strike is the most severe punishment that a housemate could get short of getting evicted from the house. Getting three strikes means automatic eviction. And Tully has one now.

Not only that, she’s also getting on everyone’s nerves. She’s quickly replacing Tim and Mikkayla as the housemates’ least favourite. Even her best bud Matthew couldn’t help but call her a “spoilt brat.” Well, not to her face, but that’s the idea.

Also, the walls dividing the house into Safe and Halfway zones are gone. While the housemates were asleep in their respective division rooms, Big Brother ordered the glass walls knocked down and the house redecorated.

Matthew, who was sleeping in the Halfway house, complained in the morning about the construction noise, but was pleasantly surprised when he discovered the new development in the house. All the housemates were so excited to see that the walls that they deemed offensive and demoralising were gone that they all entered the Diary Room in the former Safe house without even brushing their teeth.

The Showdown for the week was moved earlier than expected. The prize was also altered a bit. The winner would still get a night in the Presidential Suite with a housemate of their choice, but instead of the nomination superpower, they would be given the power to swap out an eviction nominee. Jade, who was nominated, won the Showdown and chose to save herself from eviction.

Unfortunately for Ben, Jade chose him to swap places with her.

And that finalised nomination list. Ben, Mikkayla, Tahan, Matthew, Jasmin, and the Sugar Sisters are all up for eviction on Monday.

Jade might be already too obvious with her feelings for Ed, and she’s also already too comfortable with Drew, but the 23-year-old barmaid from Ballina chose neither of them. She chose the Sugar Sisters to spend the night with her in the Presidential Suite.

Tim, who once streaked in Rihanna’s plane, proved that he’s the ultimate prankster in the house. He fooled everyone into believing that it was his 30th birthday. It wasn’t. He’s only 29, and his birthday is in April. But, with the help of Drew, he carried the prank so perfectly well. He got the whole house waiting on him, even dressing up in ‘80s costume for his “birthday party.”

He had a good laugh after revealing his crime, and the housemates laughed along with him, at first. But later, some of them let their true feelings show. Caleb was especially angry, feeling like Tim had played with all their emotions.

Wednesday’s episode:

Thursday's episode:

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