So it was “Big Brother Australia” intruder Nathan who left the house. The mystery housemate who has unexpectedly quit the show to save another person was the 35-year-old quiz show host just after two weeks in the house.

After Channel 9 aired a teaser about a housemate leaving the house to save another from eviction, there were viewers who thought it might be Drew or Tahan. (Read here why)

However, witnesses claimed that they saw Nathan taking a smoke inside the Goldcoast compound. And it made sense, if one thought about it, since he’s the one who’s not nominated and didn’t have anything to lose for the week.

And it turned out that the witnesses were right. It was indeed Nathan who voluntarily exited the house, saving intruder Madaline, who was voted out by the public in favour of fellow intruder Boog, from being eliminated.

Why did he do it?

As he had explained to Big Brother in the Diary Room, Nathan felt “too different” in the house.

“I came here to experience the challenges myself and to show Australia what I’ve got, and I don’t think I can,” he admitted. “I can’t rise above it as much I can… I think I’ve done as much as I can here.”

“I don’t want to be here anymore,” he told Big Brother before saying that he would be taking the evicted intruder’s place.

That took place before the Big Brother told the housemates to write who they wanted to stay in the house between Madaline and Boog. They still had to explain in front of the female intruders why they choose one over the other, though.

“Boog, you’re the type of girl I want to marry,” Tim declared. “But I don’t think that’s going to happen here… so Mad Dog (Madaline), I’m choosing you (to stay).”

And that had been awkward for the housemates and Boog. Except for Drew, everyone had chosen Madaline to stay. But their votes did not have any real bearing; the Australian public’s votes were what really mattered.

And 55 per cent of the viewers wanted Boog to stay.

Why Big Brother even asked the housemates to explain their votes in front of Boog and Madaline is anyone’s guess. Perhaps he was being cruel or just messing up with the housemates.

“This is an awkward position. The housemates want Maddy and Australia wants Boog,” Tim spoke candidly.

Boog was a good sport, though, laughing at “awkwardness” of the situation.

“I can handle it. I’m a big girl!”

Madaline was grateful for Nathan’s sacrifice but was relieved for herself, telling Big Brother, “I feel very humbled that the people in here want me. That’s really, really nice.”

Back to Nathan, the gentle giant didn’t think that he was being noble for his sacrifice. In fact, he thought he was actually being selfish.

“I feel uncomfortable with people saying it’s so selfless because it’s actually a selfish act. I left because I wanted to leave and I wanted to do that for them (Madaline and Boog) because I like making people happy,” he said in his exit interview.

“I got a lot of pleasure out of doing that.”

He regrets that he “couldn’t rise above my own securities in the House with Tim, Drew, and Tahan,” though, saying, “I feel like I let myself down in that way. I let that element of the game get to me.”

As for Madaline, Nathan didn’t think she owed him anything.

“The look on her face was payment enough.”

Read some Twitter reactions on Nathan’s abrupt exit:

Totally understood why Nathan did what he did, great respect for him being honest and just being himself #BBAU

— Sharon Smith (@SharonBBAU) October 7, 2013

- BBAU first evictee Sharon

I really want to say fuck you Nathan... but I can't bring myself to do it. #bbau #ballsout — Rohan M (@RohanBBAU) October 7, 2013

- BBAU second evictee Rohan

Justynn's probably watching kicking himself that he was evicted and now Nathan is walking :P #BBAU

— Team Xavier (@TeamXavier_BBAU) October 7, 2013

- BBAU third evictee Xavier

Poor Justynn. He lost because the public voted Nathan to stay & then he leaves to save someone who the public did not vote to save. #BBAU — Team Jade (@JadeBBAU) October 7, 2013

after rewatching the eviction Nathan's exit & reasoning was admirable & beautifully said. I never had that chance #respect #nathanBBAU

— Justynn Harcourt (@JustynnHBB) October 7, 2013

- BBAU intruder Justynn, who was voted out by the public for Nathan

Watch the full episode here:

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