'Black Swan' double, 27-year-old Sarah Lane has come out recently revealing that this year’s Oscars Best Actress award winner, Natalie Portman has done little to earn the recognition, contrary to the claims made by her camp in various campaigns before the actual ceremony at this year’s 83rd Academy Award.

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Lane claimed, said Entertainment Weekly that she has been a victim of a ‘cover-up’ in providing the public misleading information as to the actual footwork and the extent of dancing Portman did for her Academy Award-winning role.

“Of the full body shots, I would say 5 percent are Natalie,” Lane was quoted as saying by Entertainment Weekly.

Lane noted the entertainment news website is an American Ballet Theatre soloist, hired to perform complex dance moves for 'Black Swan'.The ballerina has allowed the film’s creator to digitally impose Portman’s face to her body, asserting: “All the other shots are me”.

Lane clarified that she is coming out now not because of jealousy. She told Entertainment Weekly that she was reacting to a March-23 article of the Los Angeles Times which described her works at Black Swan as ‘less significant’ citing the claims made by Portman’s fiancée and 'Black Swan' choreographer Benjamin Millepied.

“There are articles now talking about her dance double [American Ballet Theatre dancer Sarah Lane] that are making it sound like [Lane] did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouettés, and one diagonal [phrase] in the studio,” Millipied was quoted as saying in the LA Times article by Entertainment Weekly.

The choreographer then added, “Honestly, 85 percent of that movie is Natalie.”

This was corrected, however by the American Ballet Theatre soloist who said that Portman had done 5 percent and not the reported 85-percent full-body dance shots in the film.

“The shots that are just her face with arms, those shots are definitely Natalie,” Lane said, according to Entertainment Weekly.

She continued, “But that doesn’t show the actual dancing.”

The 27-year old soloist strongly expressed her dismay over the credit she received from the film. She admitted however, that she was not promised of any particular title for her six-week job in ‘Black Swan’.

Lane said she was disappointed receiving the following credits at the film: “Hand Model,” “Stunt Double,” and “Lady in the Lane” (a brief walk-on role).

“It is demeaning to the profession and not just to me. I’ve been doing this for 22 years…. Can you become a concert pianist in a year and a half, even if you’re a movie star?” Lane said.

Lane attacked the reverberating narrative of Portman ‘dramatic transformation into a ballerina’ said Entertainment Weekly.

“They wanted to create this idea in people’s minds that Natalie was some kind of prodigy or so gifted in dance and really worked so hard to make herself a ballerina in a year and a half for the movie, basically because of the Oscar.”

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Despite the publicity and ‘misinformation’, the ballerina was quick to point out that Portman was a good actress and praised her for her performance in the film.

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Lane attested, “I do give her a lot of credit because in a year and a half she lost a lot of weight and she really tried to go method and get into a dancers head and really feel like a ballet dancer.”

The Black Swan Double soloist had strongly condemned the treatment received from the film and said: “[Natalie] is an amazing actress, for sure,” she said, according to Entertainment Weekly. “I know that it’s not a personal thing against me. I know that it’s just a political thing. It’s just unfortunate that I kind of lost credit.”

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