Blizzard releases new patch for ‘Heroes of the Storm’ for new character and several map changes

Blizzard’s “Heroes of the Storm” is already chock-full of characters from the developer’s different series, and a patch note reveals yet another character in the works. The new addition comes from the universe of “StarCraft” and her addition, along with the several updates brought by the patch could change the way fans play the game.
As seen in an official Blizzard website, the new entry in “Heroes of the Storm” is a Medic known as Lt. Morales. True to her title, she is a healing-focused support character.
Her primary abilities include Healing Beam, Safeguard and Displacement Grenade. Morales’ Healing Beam could restore the health of any nearby ally which could be useful especially during clashes. If Healing Beam is on cooldown and unusable, Morales could still support her allies with her Safeguard ability which applies a defense buff to allies for a short amount of time. Her other ability is geared towards causing damage as Displacement Grenade instantly explodes and knocks back enemies upon contact.
If damaged, Morales should avoid any attacks as her hero trait Cadeceus Reactors heals her quickly if she does not take any damage during a set amount of time. As for her Heroic Abilities, Morales’ Stim Drone will give a speed buff to her allies for a few seconds.
Her other Heroic Ability dubbed Medivac Dropship is probably her most useful skill. When in a tight situation, Morales could generate a ship in which allies could enter. After 10 seconds, the ship will drop off any allies inside to a targeted location on the map.
Aside from the addition of a new character, the patch will also bring several gameplay changes to “Heroes of the Storm,” Gear Nuke reports. Most of the changes are geared towards tweaking several stage mechanics like the nerfed Punishers from the Infernal Shrines area.
Perhaps the biggest gameplay change the patch will bring is the new Try mode map. Aside from being bigger, the map will also have a new are and a target dummy.
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