(Source: Youtube/HilaRaam)

From bulletproof clothing and backpacks to protect schoolchildren from stray bullets in case of an emergency, a new type of backpack will soon be available in the market. Designed by Isreali designer, Hila Raam, the bomb-proof backpack is said to provide protection to students in case of a bomb attack.

The backpack does shield the vital organs from a bomb blast when the bag is worn on the back but it doesn't provide any protection for the arms and legs which are always exposed with the bag on.

Despite this what potential buyers may call a deal-breaker, 27-year-old Hila Raam wants her "ground-breaking product" to hit the Israel market. She said she believed in the significance of her product which only weighs more than five pounds.

In the event of an airstrike, the wearer of the bomb-proof bag can simply pull the straps located on the sides of the bag and the yellow strings from the hood. After doing so, the wearer is advised to lie face down on the floor with the bag acting as a shield.

The bomb-proof backpack will cost about $500. When the hood is worn, the bag can protect a person's vital organs like the brain, liver, heart and kidneys from a potential blast or fallout from an explosion. At the core of the bomb-proof backpack is a 19-layer Kevlar fabric.

Ms Raam explained that her bag will be easy to use in an emergency situation. She designed the bag for schoolchildren and teenagers but adults can use it too as an added protection. Ms Raam revealed that there will future changes in design which are still in the process of implementation.

She designed the bomb-proof bag to provide people with protection in open spaces. It is useful in an event when immediate shelter is not available. Ms Raam said she has discovered that in a bomb attack, about 60 per cent of people who are nearby don't have access to shelter right away. They are usually forced to stay down on the ground and hope for safety.

The bomb-proof bag hopes to be a part of a child or adult's daily routine so that it can be used anytime, anywhere. Ms Raam designed the bag to look like any other backpack so as to be inconspicuous to others.