Bungie details new changes coming to "Destiny: The Taken King"

With a month to go before the official launch of “Destiny: The Taken King,” Bungie took to Twitch to explain some of the new changes that will be imposed in the expansion. The stream focuses on Quality of Life and how players can find and upgrade gear in the inventory.
Techtimes reports that one of the new changes in the game is the removal of Light Levels in the levelling system. Instead of the Light Levels, Bungie will introduce one of the core mechanics found in roleplaying games, or RPGs: experience points.
After the expansion, “Destiny” players will no longer have to look for specific and hard-to-find items to max out their characters, as experience points will be more than enough to max out. Light Levels won’t be completely obsolete from the game though. They will now be used to measure the quality of weapons and armours instead of being a way to level up characters.
The expansion will also see a doubled space for the Vault, which means players can store more items. Ghost Shells have also been modified, which affects the gameplay.
As for upgrading some gear, players are now required to visit the Tower to access a menu called exotic blueprints. This menu will allow players to upgrade Exotic gear as well as buy back any previously owned exotics. Players can also make use of legendary weapons by infusing them with others. Through the Gunsmith’s Infuse option, players can combine legendary weapons with Year Two weapons for more power.
The game stream is still available on Twitch, which features a more detailed rundown of the changes coming to The Taken King. Players will be treated to a whole new experience when the expansion launches on Sept. 15.
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