Material Matters: Oil, Bulks And Platinum

-Oil prices retreat. For how long?-Iron ore, coking coal underpinned-Thermal coal under most pressure-Platinum supportedBy Eva BrocklehurstAverage oil prices retreated in March after several months of rises.
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Samsung Galaxy Note 2: No Recharge Needs Within Six Months

Battery has been always a problem for any smartphones no matter how high-end it is. Galaxy Note 2 users who are heavy on games and internet will not even be satisfied with 3100 mAh. So how to make your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 lasts for six long months without recharging it?

A Calmer Month For Uranium

By Andrew NelsonMarch was a mild and somewhat positive month for uranium, with producers hoping TS Elliot is wrong in his claim that April is the cruellest month.

Cheap Battery Causes Nexus S Phone’s Explosion

Mashable reported another case of an exploding smartphone involving the Nexus S model. However, it was not a manufacturing defect, but the fault of the owner who opted to use as a spare unit a cheap battery.

China Manufacturing Activity Improves in March

As it was widely expected, China's manufacturing activity improved in March adding to signs of the much-anticipated economic recovery in the Asian dragon. Even though China witnessed an expansion in its factory output, analysts expected a bigger increase.

Aussies Moving in Record Numbers to Perth

Western Australia's population is almost 2.5 million people as Aussies flock in significant numbers to this state. In the past 12 months to the end of September, almost 82,000 people were added to the headcount in WA, equivalent to a 3.4 per cent population growth rate.

South Korea Cuts its Growth Forecast as it Plans Stimulus

As it was widely anticipated, South Korea revised down its growth forecast for 2013 as the country's exports suffered from decreasing global demand and the weakening yen. Moreover, the government of South Korea plans further stimulus to revive the economy.

London Puts an Eye on Business

Back in the nineteenth century, Benjamin Disraeli, once the UK Prime Minister, said: "London is a modern Babylon." Time passed, yet the Prime Minister's allegation is still up to date. Once you visit London, you will not only feel that it is full of tourists from all around the globe as it is full of historic and cultural heritage but you will inhale the air sated with the international business and unlimited possibilities.

BP & Partners are to Invest $500m in North Sea’s Clair Field

On the 28th of March, it was made public that an oil consortium led by BP Plc would plow as much as $500 million in an appraisal drilling project in the Clair field near Shetlands Islands. The investment is expected to bring many benefits to North Sea oil sector.

Japan Witnesses Contraction in Factory Output in February

Official data showed that Japan witnessed a surprising contraction in factory output in February. The released figures highlighted a huge task ahead of the new government of the world's third economy. The government will have to work by the sweat of its own brow to get out of economic stagnation and deflation.

Australian Stocks: What Happened Today?

The analyst principally responsible for the production of this research report is: Howard Humphreys, Director & Lead Research Analyst, Seismic ResearchASX bucks regional drop on RBA, Easter returnAsian markets posted broad losses today on a soft lead from Wall Street after a report released overnigh...

Australian Stock Market Report – Afternoon 3-28-13

Local stocks fell back into the red today, as concerns about Cyprus once again affected global sentiment. Banks in Cyprus will re-open tonight for the first time since the controversial bank bailout was floated, with investors concerned there could be a run on bank deposits.

Australian Stock Market Report – Midday 3-28-13

Uncertainties about Europe have again reared their head, rattling European and US blue chip stocks overnight. Locally, the Australian share market fell quite hard on open but is currently down around 0.3% at lunchtime in the East.

Australian Cash Holdings Down, Equities Holdings Up

Cash holdings of Australian investors have continued to decline, dropping to the lowest level since the inception of the bimonthly Australian Investor Sentiment Survey from the Australian Investors' Association (AIA) and FNArena in January 2011.
