After some legal setbacks, Samsung Electronics finally won some of its legal battles against Apple. The victory was handed by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh who dismissed on Tuesday some of the antitrust claims by Apple against the South Korean firm.

Ms Koh dismissed Apple's claim that Samsung misrepresented its intent to secure license for some patent on fair terms. She also did not rule on Apple's request to stop the sale of Samsung's Galaxy tablet computers in the U.S. because of alleged violation of Apple patents.

The judge said Apple could amend its complaint to revive the claims.

Another setback for Apple was its shares plummeted more than 5 per cent to below $400 on Tuesday after the weekend sale of its iPhone 4S reached 17.07 million, which was short of the 20 million expectations of analysts.

However, the firm founded by Steve Jobs, won a pyrrhic court victory in The Netherlands after a court in The Hague dismissed on Friday Samsung's patent infringement lawsuit against Apple but also dismissed Apple's countersuit.

With the decision both Apple and Samsung products would be allowed to be sold in The Netherlands.

In dismissing both patent infringement claims, the court said that Samsung's 3G patents were part of industry standards that must be open to license. The court urged the two competitors to instead negotiate a deal outside the court.