‘Castle’ Season 8 Spoilers Episode 8: Things get tougher for 'Mr and Mrs Castle,' new man in Beckett’s life introduced

Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) and Rick Castle (Nathan Fillion) celebrated their first wedding anniversary in Episode 7 of “Castle” Season 8, titled "The Last Seduction." Beckett agreed to take some time out from their time out and spend the anniversary night with Castle. The two kissed and made out. But this does not mean that Beckett will start living under the same roof with Castle in the mid-season finale.
The Episode 8 of “Castle” Season 8, titled “Mr. and Mrs. Castle,” will see Castle and Beckett working on a case together, and that too “exclusively,” according to TV Line. They will be investigating the murder of a cruise ship entertainer, synopsis of ABC’s “Castle” Season 8 Episode 8 reveals. And Castle and Beckett will find themselves trapped with a killer at sea. This may provide Castle the opportunity to question Beckett and find the reason behind her decision to put their marriage on hold.
Caskett fans will see a furious side of Castle. He will question Beckett and will have a lot of angry things to say, TV Line reports. He may or may not have “nuked” his married by doing so.
The case will have a connection to this season’s big mystery, LokSat, according to TV Guide. When Beckett figures that out, she is likely to push Castle away again.
TV Guide reports that “things only get tougher between the couple when Castle does some digging of his own and uncovers more of Beckett's deception.”
Meanwhile, Episode 8 of “Castle” Season 8 will introduce a new man in Beckett’s life -- a man who believes in justice. Kristoffer Polaha has a recurring role as a public defender, and co-showrunner Terence Paul Winter describes him as someone who is similar to Beckett when it comes to "truly" believing in justice.
Beckett and the new man are going to begin on an inimical note. Winter told TV Guide, “By design, public defenders are often at odds with the NYPD because they represent a lot of the criminals the 12th precinct brings in. That will create a bit of conflict that will carry on into future episodes we're planning in the new year.”
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