Chicago Cops Warn iOS 8 Makes Apple Device Pedophile’s Phone Of Choice

There is growing concern among FBI and police forces in the US over the level of encryption in the newly released iPhone models of Apple, which makes it harder for law enforcement agencies to access iPhones despite a court order.
The difficulty comes if the phone owner does not cooperate and refuses to divulge the passcode. A warrant would not unlock an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus which are run by the new iOS 8. Under the new OS, iMessage texts are encrypted on the device and remain so until these are stored in the unencrypted iCloud backup system. The user's passcode is the only way to access those messages.
Because of the situation, John Escalante, chief of detectives of the Chicago police department, warned, quoted by Business Insider, "Apple will become the phone of choice for the pedophile. The average pedophile at this point is probably thinking, I've got to get an Apple phone."
FBI Director James Comey had previously expressed concern about Apple's marketing of the flagship devices because the message it sends is that it expressly "allow people to place themselves beyond the law."
Comey further said, "There will come a day ... when it will matter a great, great deal to the lives of people of all kinds that we be able to with judicial authorization gain access to a kidnapper's or a terrorist or a criminal's device."
He continued, "I'd hate to have people look at me and say, 'Well how come you can't save this kid,' 'how come you can't do this thing.'"
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iPhone 6 Bends When Owner Sits Down
While the iPhone 6 prevents access, by attaching a thermal scanner on the device it could actually be used as a tool to steal the pincode an ATM card, although it wouldn't work if the ATM machine or store EFTPOS has metal keys. More details in this video.
YouTube/Life ToGo