Internet marketing research company comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) announces the availability of mobile-optimized tagging for publishers which set to provide significantly enhanced measurement of mobile audiences across the world.

comScore's new service gives brands the ability to tag mobile Web and application assets which will enable accurate measurement of audiences, including but not limited to unique traffic counts and engagement metrics, in a variety of devices and platforms as well as tablet computers.

Using these enhanced metrics, advertisers and publishers have access now to a reliable, third-party mobile currency that can help accelerate growth in the mobile advertising industry.

"Delivering on our commitment to provide innovative solutions to measuring an increasingly complex digital landscape, comScore mobile-optimized tagging answers the industry's call for a more granular, comprehensive measurement solution to navigate the mobile landscape," said Mark Donovan, Senior Vice President of Mobile for comScore.

"Mobile media consumption continues to accelerate, making a third-party measurement solution critical for publishers and advertisers looking to implement effective mobile strategies and ad campaigns."

"With comScore mobile-optimized tagging, publishers can accurately demonstrate their mobile site's traffic and engagement levels to advertisers looking to use the channel to reach and engage consumers, providing the foundation for a more robust mobile advertising environment."

In connection with this new service, comScore had also announced a partnership with Bango, a mobile analytics and billing company, that will fast-track the deployment of comScore's mobile-optimized tags.The Bango partnership provides comScore an immediate lead in mobile audience measurement and allows Bango clients to be measured with comScore mobile-optimized tagging as part of their Bango integration, for seamless and easy implementation.

Visit their website, for more details on the comScore-Bango partnership.