Destiny Weekly Update Details PvP Ammo Changes, The Battle Against Xur Predictions Comes To A Halt

The “Destiny” 1.1.2 update may be coming in the next week or two, if developer Bungie’s hints are anything to go by. In the latest Bungie blog update, community manager David “DeeJ” Dague had promised to release a tweet on the exact date when the update will be coming. And he promised that it will be very soon.
For this week, Bungie shed light on the last announced changes, which involve the PvP ammunition. Crucible Designer Kevin Yanes reveals three goals that the team had when making changes for the ammo in the PvP of “Destiny.” These include the following:
- Special ammo will become a more precious resource in Crucible
- Amplify the role of Heavy ammo
- Limit high-damage weapons to bring more balance
The ammo’s role in Crucible has been very crucial, in that the current situation allows trigger-happy individuals to run rampant. But to create balance and to play around with how gameplay works in Crucible, Yanes revealed that that Special ammo will have less frequent spawns and have longer pick-up times. The crate will also be far and few within the map, and the bricks will contain less ammo.
Heavy ammo will also see a change in that despawn conditions will be introduced. This is to address the frequency of players who remain on standby near a supply instead of picking it up. So once “Destiny” 1.1.2 update hits, decisions on ammo will be riskier and have to be made more quickly.
This move has been tested by the team, with results creating a “neutral game.” For the developer, this transition is important so that the team who was not able to take a piece of the Heavy ammo can still fight back. All the details for “Destiny” 1.1.2 update will soon be revealed. A complete patch notes is expected once the update hits. But one thing’s for sure, it will come before the “Destiny” expansion House of Wolves hits.
In the meantime, players who have been hanging on to predictions from the Xur items leaker Megamanexe4 will have to revert back to the waiting game like all other players. The access to Xur’s items appears to have reached its limit, reports Gamepur.
The source, Redditor Megamanexe4 reportedly stated that it is now more difficulty to leak the exotics from Xur via data mining. Unlike before, Bungie has now made hacking near impossible, as the developer now manages Xur’s items via a real-time patch. However, that does not mean that Megamanexe4’s brief predictions were for naught.
According to the source, the recent predictions have also driven Bungie to up the ante in terms of items. What he had found before the real-time patch are weak items, which would definitely not have made “Destiny” players happy had they arrived unchanged.
“I’m grateful to you. If you hadn’t published the data of Xur, Buingie would not have chnge Xur,” said Megamanexe4 in a statement as quoted by Gamepur.
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