"The Division" is a third person shooter RPG game. The game is set in New York City after a devastating virus cripples the city. Fans are eagerly waiting for the release date of the highly popular upcoming game.

The story of the game revolves around a manmade virus that has had a devastating impact on New York City. The basic services have failed and there is food and water shortage. The city setting appears to be a post apocalyptic version of the city.

The players assume the role of an agent who lives as any other ordinary citizen, hiding the true identity. The agent belongs to a unit called "The Division." The objective is to connect with other agents and together bring some order to the city.

The graphics of the game make it look very realistic. Powered by the Snowdrop engine, the game takes advantage of the advanced hardware of the next generation consoles. Gamers will find that this may as well be the new standard for all future games taking advantage of the hardware on the new consoles.

"The Division" allows a player to explore the vast open world in the game. Players will get to see some of the iconic buildings of New York City like the Brooklyn Bridge. The game allows for a multiplayer option and players can also make use of the player to player trading in the game.

The navigation in "The Division" has been made easy with a map of the city that can be accessed by the smart watch worn by the player's character in the game. The 3D hologram of the city pops out and gives the player a bird's eye view of the map.

Another feature of "The Division" is that it comes with apps for the smartphones and tablets, allowing the players to join a game even when they are on the move. The app also allows players to enhance the capabilities of allies or place targets for them.

Another game that has the fans buzzing is "The Witcher 3." Click here to watch the trailer and read about the game that has one of the best graphics and visual effects.

Will "The Division" live up to the fans expectations? Although the graphics are great on the game, a lot depends on how the story line in the game unfolds and the player experience in the online multi player mode.