(Credit: YouTube/ST)

Humans will soon understand what their dogs are trying to say, as a group of researchers have raised funds for a headset that can translate "dog language" to "human language."

Sweden-based group Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery (NSID) developed a product called No More Woof, a device which uses electroencephalography (EEG) to read a dog's brain signals. It is in the form of a headset attached to the dog's head with mini-speakers which transmits the message translated from "dog language" to English.

NSID admits that No More Woof uses a technology already existing---in fact, Mashable notes of similar products already developed although for different uses. There's Muse, which uses the EEG technology to control smartphones using human brain signals, while Emotiv developed a headset which uses the same system for gaming control.

Mashable comments that the group is developing a device similar to that in the Pixar movie "Up," where Doug the dog is wearing a collar that translates his thoughts into a language that Carl and Russel could understand.

NSID also admits that No More Woof is currently capable of detecting a few canine mental states, such as suspicion of strangers and tiredness. Since the device is still on the development stage, the device is raising funds over Indiegogo for further development and to finally create a prototype.

"To be completely honest, the first version will be quite rudimentary. But hey, the first computer was pretty crappy too," the company writes in the Indiegogo page.

The company claims further in its page that "No animals have been or will ever be harmed or exposed to ANY risks during our experiments" and that "No More Woof is a 110% animal friendly technology."

As of time of writing, the device has raised more than US$15,000, higher than the US$10,000 that the group intended to raise. They still have until Feb 14, 2014 to raise funds for No More Woof.