Download iOS 8 with 3 New Surprise Killer Features from Apple

Apple just released its iOS 8 with iPhone 6 buyers getting it out of the box and other Apple users through download. The update comes packed with new features and enhancements promising a better platform.
From the time of its announcement, major OS update has generated interest and buzz as it marks Apple's major strides towards a more flexible platform. What makes Apple iOS 8 standout? Will it be a game changer for Apple? The iOS 8 boasts a range of features and enhancements requiring people to free up to 5.7GB of their storage space. For those who can overcome the update storage requirement, here are some killer features to take advantage of. Some of these are hidden gems waiting to be discovered:
Native Photos App
As the name implies, it allows people to see their images. Apple's native Photo app has been predominantly detached from the wide range of photo-editing programs on the Apple Store. According to Forbes, Apple makes it more accessible to third party developers as they can now infuse extensions to the Photo App offering access to a number of picture editing filters and tools. Even devoid of third party extensions, the Photo app can also ensure photos look great. The app can fine tune details and straighten horizons automatically.
Multimedia Messages
Apple has exerted additional efforts into its Messages app. It should come as no surprise as App Store has started to fill up with third-party messaging programs like Snapchat and WhatsApp. The tech giant needed to do something about the increasing competition. The latest Message app outdates the SMS conversation. It combines the usual text bubbles with a range of whistles and multimedia bells. Users can also include video footages and audio recordings in conversations. This transforms conversations into more interactive multimedia collages. People can also now mute group messages notifications to avoid overwhelming alerts.
The iOS 8 also comes with a Continuity feature. Although people still cannot use the feature, it offers great potential and convenience upon arrival. In its simplest sense, Continuity integrates the OS X and iOS comprehensively. Functions and other data will also be combined seamlessly. For instance, if a person's iPhone rings and they are working with their MacBook, users can now answer through their laptop. Editing a document on an iPhone device will automatically sync to an Apple laptop. Users have to install OS X 10.10 Yosemite to make this work. Yosemite will have an October release.
While the features have been introduced before by competitors, its application in the iOS and Apple ecosystem makes the difference for the user. A more seamless approach to Apple's continuity and other features increases the functionality and overall experience of the devices. To download the update, go to Settings > General > Software Update > Download and Install.