Elden Ring
Elden Ring

Hidden inside one of the many side areas in “” is the Uchigatana, a classic-style Japanese katana featuring a long, curved blade that can be surprisingly effective well into the late game.

Unsurprisingly, the Samurai class starts off with this sword as their primary melee weapon, but players who chose other classes or Samurais who want to wield two Uchigatanas will need to go and find the one tucked away in Limgrave.

This can be achieved very early into the game with the only real “requirement” being Torrent, the spectral steed, for the sake of getting to the location faster. Tag three Sites of Grace to unlock the horse.

After this, players will need to go to the Death-touched Catacombs in the northeastern part of Stormhill, past the Gatefront Ruins. The catacombs is one of the many world dungeons scattered throughout The Lands Between, and it’s filled to the brim with skeleton warriors and archers as well as a boss.

The Death-touched Catacombs can be found in this general area -

The Death-touched Catacombs can be found in this general area - Photo:

The skeletons will reassemble themselves after death, but they can be killed by hitting them again when they’re down.

Luckily, players don’t have to finish the dungeon to get the Uchigatana. Go inside and head to the first big mausoleum area past the heavy locked door by the Site of Grace. Go down the stairs then turn around to see a dark tunnel.

Follow this tunnel and go through one of the doorways leading to an elevated platform with two skeleton archers. Take care of them and open the chest containing the Uchigatana. At this point, players can either continue the rest of this short dungeon or simply leave with their prize.

The Uchigatana requires 11 STR and 15 DEX to wield, making it great for those who started with the Warrior, Vagabond, Samurai or Prisoner classes.

This sword also comes with the innate ability to trigger the Blood Loss effect, which causes targets to take big bursts of damage after taking enough hits. Players can inflict even further Blood Loss by using item buffs or the Blood Slash skill, which can be obtained from Fort Haight.

The tunnel leading to the Uchigatana in the Death-touched Catacombs in

The tunnel leading to the Uchigatana in the Death-touched Catacombs in Photo: