‘Elden Ring’: Where To Find Raging Wolf Armor Set

The Raging Wolf armor appeared in one of the preset characters during “Elden Ring’s” network test, but it has since been hidden away in the official release of the game.
Unfortunately, none of “Elden Ring’s” official starter classes begin with this cool-looking armor set in their inventories. Most players also won’t be able to get the whole set until much later into the game. However, the entire process of getting this armor is much less complicated than some may have assumed.
Raging Wolf Armor Location
To obtain this set, “Elden Ring” players need to make their way to Volcano Manor at the heart of Mt. Gelmir. This region is fairly high-level and is filled with dangerous enemies.
Players will need to get to the west side of the Altus Plains and pass through the chasm near Wyndham Ruins just to get to Mt. Gelmir. Then, they will have to reach Volcano Manor itself by going through a long and winding road.
Alternatively, players can talk to Rya by the Birdseye Telescope to the north of the Laskyar Ruins. Exhaust all of her dialogue options until she asks for her stolen locket, which can be talking to (or killing) Blackguard at the Boilprawn Shack in the middle of the southern lake.
Rya will teleport players to Volcano Manor once this is done.

The telescope north of Laskyar Ruins in Elden Ring Photo: Elden Ring
How to get the Raging Wolf set
Players will have to complete three assassination contracts to get this armor set. To start, speak to Tanith and join their faction. Then, visit one of the rooms in the nearby hallway and pick up the letter on the table, which will automatically mark a spot on the map for players to visit. Touch the red summon sign on the designated location and kill the NPC.
After killing the second target, speak to Recusant Bernahl (the NPC in front of the letter spawn point), then join his next hunt. This will take players to Leyndell, the Royal Capital. Head to the marked area, and then defeat the NPCs to automatically obtain the Raging Wolf armor set.

Recusant Bernahl inside the Volcano Manor Photo: Elden Ring