'Elder Scrolls Legends' free-to-play card game wets appetite before 'The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind' release

"Elder Scrolls Legends" is the latest free-to-play game from Bethesda Game Studios. It is a card game based on the "Elder Scrolls" universe. It may not have much, but the free game should at least give players something to be busy with.
"Elder Scrolls Legends" allows players to play in single or multiplayer mode. Gamers who embark on single-player mode get the chance to earn new Legend cards, decks and packs, which can eventually be used to build custom decks, Attack of the Fan Boy reports.
The real challenge may, however, be found in multiplayer mode. Here, players try outwitting fellow players in battles. The rewards for a successful campaign seem promising, not to mention the possibility of leveling up cards to improve decks.
The game is free on Steam, but "Elder Scrolls Legends" comes with in-game purchases. Most can be found under the store menu, where players can buy card packs in various denominations as warranted. Some may even check out up to 60 card packs priced at US$70 (AU$95). Registering with Bethesda gives players three free card packs.
Aside from the cards, "Elder Scrolls Legends" also offers additional story mode content. Players can get hold of them using in-game currency, meaning gamers will have to find ways to save up.
"Elder Scrolls Legends" is seen as Bethesda's ticket to try and give Blizzard's "Hearthstone" a competition, relying on the "Elder Scrolls" background at the same time. It may be a bit far from what "Elder Scrolls" gamers are looking for, but it will have to do for now until a new title shapes up.
While that should appease the folks into mobile gaming, the latest update for console gamers involves the coming of "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind." Pegged to be the largest expansion for the series, players get the chance to explore "Morrowind" for the first time on "The Elder Scrolls: Online."
The expansion would include new characters, quests and player abilities gamers will surely want to see. It is expected for release on June 6 for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Pricing for "The Elders Scrolls Online: Morrowind" will depend on the package. Folks who already have the base game will need to shell out only US$39.99 (AU$53,99) for the expansion. For those who need to buy the base game and the expansion, the package costs US$59.99 (AU$81).