For the first time since the court finalized her divorce from French NBA star ex-husband, Tony Parker, 'Desperate Housewives' star, Eva Longoria has spoken on the ‘new transitions’ in her life.

"It's been -- every time I talk about it, I want to cry," Longoria told Allure magazine in an interview for its April issue.

Admitting that she had spent most of her free time boarding on planes to land on wherever her ex-husband would play the NBA games, Longoria said that she is finding it quite difficult setting up new routines.

"I'm kind of having to find new patterns because I'm not used to having--I'm used to always being on a plane and flying to a basketball game," Longoria was quoted telling the magazine by the Associated Press.

The television actress has openly admitted that she, too, is having a hard time finding these ‘new patterns’.

"It's been hard. Very hard. I'm just trying to get through it as gracefully as possible without any drama," she explained, oftentimes apologizing for not censoring herself for over-sharing on her divorce.

The actress added, "It's hard for me to censor myself, because I like to be honest and free and say exactly what I'm thinking or feeling."

But the actress also clarified that she would have dealt with her divorce more difficult than she did had it not for the women who helped her cope with the initial stages of her separation.

Still citing the interview with Allure, AP noted Longoria saying she "collects people" in her life, particularly "amazing, smart, interesting women."

Longoria plays Gabrielle Solis on "Desperate Housewives", one of the pioneering shows on television representing empowerment of women today. She has received nomination for 2006 Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in the Comedy Series for her role on the ABC show.

Allure’s interview with Longoria is expected to be in the market this Women’s month of March.

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