Evasi0n iOS 7 jailbreak remains a possibility, but iOS 6.1.3 is still not getting broken by the evad3rs. Meanwhile, Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod users remain hopeful of a fresh utility from early 2013's favourite jailbreakers.

Evader @pod2g is the most active evasi0n developer on Twitter these days. Naturally, he's becoming evasi0n's social media rep, somehow. Users of the microblogging site have used Twitter as a Q&A platform for iOS7 jailbreak questions to the evad3rs. And @pod2g remains patient at doling out answers. However, the Apple hacker will be unable to attend this year's Worldwide Jailbreak Convention, he announced on Twitter.

"I know you have probably already been asked this but when are we to expect the new (jailbreak) for ios7?" User @RaquelMarieM asked @pod2g. This is a common question on Twitter. @Pod2g does not reply to all similar questions, but he responds periodically, anyway.

"I have no idea. But iOS 7 is not out yet... So..." @Pod2g tweeted in response. Now many jailbreak users see some hope here. Although @pod2g has bashed iOS7's design in his previous tweets, he is not dismissing a jailbreak.

iOS 7 is currently available only to developers. If you're tech-savvy and you want to install iOS now, there are download and guide links available online. However, it is best to stick to iOS 6.1.3 (if you have upgraded up to such update).

iOS 6.1.2 users are still enjoying the perks and freedom of evasi0n jailbreak. The evad3rs released a statement a month before iOS 6.1.3 release that the hacking group will focus their efforts on iOS 7 instead of the minor update. So exploits still present on 6.1.3 remain untouched for iOS 7 jailbreak.

Evasi0n iOS 7 jailbreak is widely expected to be released within days or weeks after iOS 7 is rolled out to the public. If you are running on 6.1.2, make sure that you stay updated to the evad3rs' releases to avoid hassles in trying to reverse wrongful or unwanted updates.iPhone 5 users who got the 6.1.4 update exclusive to their handset are also advised to wait for the evad3rs' announcements if they want to use a jailbroken device.

Sadly I can't come to #WWJC2013 this year, but if you are a jailbreak fan as I am, you have to be there!!!

— pod2g (@pod2g) June 28, 2013

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