Facebook instigated a social media revolution with just single word: 'Like'. It has been quite a while that our online 'share' market is judged by how many likes we get from a post. It even determines e-commerce for a page. On the other hand, even though we can probably never get enough of 'Like', Facebook has plans to introduce a 'Sympathize' button - according to the Huffington Post.

You may have wondered why people 'Like' it when you post about the death of your pet dog. Well, people are left with only two choices. They can either 'Like' it or do nothing at all. There are so many occasions when your Facebook friends want to 'Sympathize' with you: a recent break-up, demise of a dear one or failing to score expected marks in exams. They have ended up 'liking' them and looked like fools.

While a 'Sympathize' button can really go well, here are suggestions for some other relevant buttons which can prove to be handy.


Advocated for quite a while, one may wonder why Facebook did not come up with a 'Dislike' button in the first place. Facebook, on the other hand, feels otherwise. According to them, it is not a good idea to have a 'Dislike' button as it targets to keep Facebook a place of positivity.


You may have discovered yourself at a loss of words when one of your friends silly in the utter sense of the word. You may find them posting an obvious photoshopped image and claiming that they have been to the place. I mean 'Seriously!'


There is already Fancy which helps you keep a record of the things you fancy. It shows products and you just have to click 'Fancy' to maintain a list of products you fancy. Wouldn't it be great if the same can be done on Facebook? When we see a product, we can click 'Want'. Make sure you do not do that on the photo of your best friend's girlfriend/boyfriend. Strictly for 'products'!