Facebook Timeline Modifications and Solutions: 10 Ways to Manage Your Timeline [Video]
Timeline is a way of displaying a list of events in chronological order and Facebook incorporated this feature to display activities and posts with graphical design. Facebook Timeline feature is manageable and you can modify the way you wanted.
1. Status Updates Visibility
You can modify which set of people on your friend's list you want to view your status updates. Click the "Public" icon near the "Post" icon and select which set of list you want your posts to be displayed on. You can also change visibility of every post you have on your timeline, click on the "Globe" icon near your name and set it to your desired viewer.
2. View Profile as Public or Friend
To manage on your profile is viewed, click on the "Gear" icon near the Activity Log and select "View As." Then enter a friend's name to make the profile be viewed connected to that name or "public" which makes the timeline to change as well.
3. Default Post Visibility
If you want to make a default post visibility and avoid changing every now and then, go to "Privacy Settings > Choose among the options available." This entirely changes who can only view your posts on the timeline.
4. Bulk Visibility Changes for Older Posts
Users who are new to the timeline feature and wants to change visibility of older posts, go to the "Privacy Settings > Limit the Audience for Past Posts." This will change all of your older posts to viewed only by "Friends."
5. Tagging
You can tag places, people, public figures, and things on your status post. When creating a new Status Update, include the "@" sign before the object or person you want to tag. In this way, it will be displayed on their timeline and other users can click on the tagged word to view pages related to it.
6. Unliking
Just in case you wanted to "unlike" something that you have "liked" such as interest or hobbies, go to your Timeline and select the Likes section. Hover over them and wait till the "liked icon appears then click on it and select "unlike".
7. Hide Updates
For updates that are annoying and uninteresting, move your cursor on the post and click the dropdown arrow and select "hide". In worst case scenario of profanity, you can also "report" the post.
8. Controlling Friend's Visibility
You can manage on who individuals can only see the friends appearing on your timeline. Click on "Friends" and select the "pen" icon then click on "Edit Privacy". You can select which set of people around you can view your friends listed on your timeline.
9. Creating a Group
To create a group or list for your friends, go to your Home page and scroll down till you see the "Groups" section on the left side, select "Create Group." You can add friends to your newly group.
10. Hide Timeline and View the Old Facebook Version
Many users still want to view the old version of Facebook and for the Google Chrome browser, there is an existing method. Use the Google Chrome browser and go to Google Search. Type in "google chrome extension remove timeline." An extension exists to remove the timeline effect on your Facebook, but be warned, you are the only one who can view your account in this manner. Your friends and the public will still see your account under timeline and you may not see something which they do.