Gay server Dayna Morales won the sympathy of the country when she made national headlines earlier in November for posting an anti-gay receipt on Facebook containing insults from a family who didn’t approve of her lifestyle. The former U.S. Marine and now waitress at the Gallop Asian Bistro in New Jersey claimed she was not only denied a tip, but was insulted for being gay. But the family has proof that that wasn’t the case at all.

Ms Morales submitted the photo of the receipt to the Facebook page “Have a Gay Day,” telling the administrators that she was pissed and hurt that the family insulted her sexuality.

The note on the $93.55-receipt reads, “I’m sorry but I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle and the way you live.”

The waitress wrote: “NEVER in a million years did I think this would happen. Not only was it a family with two kids, but as I introduced myself and tell them my name is Dayna – the mum proceeds to look at me and say ‘oh I thought you were gonna say your name is Dan. You sure surprised us!’

“I am THOROUGHLY offende mad pissed off and hurt that THIS is what her kids will grow up learning and that I served in the Marines to keep ignorant people like them free. Sorry lady but I don’t agree with YOUR lifestyle and the way you’re raising your kids but you didn’t see me throwing that in your face and giving you sh**** service. Keep your damn mouth shut and pray we never cross paths again.” (sic)

After the photo went viral, a lot of people have commended Ms Morales for keeping her cool, assuring her that they support her. Donations came in from sympathisers around the world, proving that while there are people who don’t agree with gay people, there are still a lot who think they deserve the same rights.

She was even lauded more when she said that she was giving a portion of the donation, which was around $2000, to the Wounded Warrior Fund, an organisation that helps injured service members.

But according to the unnamed family who allegedly wrote the offensive note on the receipt, Ms Morales’ version of the event was not even close to accurate.

The New Jersey family contacted NBC 4 New York and gave their version of the story, including proof that they did not write any slur messages on the receipt and that they also gave her a tip of $18.

The husband and wife showed the customer copy of the receipt which appeared to be printed at the same time. The discrepancy between the two was obvious. Ms Morales’ copy has no tip included and with the offensive note written across it, while the family’s copy was clean and had a total of $111.55 after the $18 tip was added.

They also provided a copy of their Visa bill to prove that their credit card charged them for $111.55 total.

The wife added that she couldn’t have written the message since she is left-handed and the note appeared to have been written using the right hand.

The couple said that they have both worked in restaurants so they know how important it is to give tips to the servers. The husband said that he didn’t even vote for Chris Christie, the incumbent governor of their state, because the politician doesn’t support gay message.

“Never would a message like that come from us,” the husband told the news source.

They did acknowledge a portion of the waitress’ story, though, when she said that the wife was surprised by her name.

They were told their server would be “Dan,” and when Ms Morales showed up, the wife exclaimed, “whoa, you’re not Dan,” which they believed that might have offended the server.

Ms Morales, meanwhile, is standing by her story, saying that she did not receipt a tip and that she did not write the note herself.

“I don’t know, all I know is what I’ve been saying,” she told NBC 4 on Monday.

The restaurant’s owner and manager also insisted that they have the original receipt, which has the $93.55 total. They weren’t able to show it, however, and couldn’t explain why the family paid a lot more.

Gallop Asian Bistro has launched an internal investigation on the matter.