Fans of E.L. James erotica novel are dying to hear more news on the upcoming film adaptation of "Fifty Shades of Grey." While Universal Studios is yet to announce a producer, fans are creating a long list of potential actors for the handsome, Christian Grey.

Given it is February, who are the top contenders for the role this month?

Christian Grey embodies all that is perfect in a mate. Obviously, after being inspired by "Twilight" character, Edward Cullen, how could Christian Grey not be perfect? However, such perfection is causing fans to dread the idea of casting an equally "perfect" actor for the role.

Thankfully, with a lot of hot Hollywood men, it would be easy to choose who could be the potential Grey among all of them. Last year, "The Vampire Diaries" Ian Somerhalder and "True Blood's" Alexander Skarsgard ruled the top of the charts and polls. Now, with 2013 on a roll, their names have been rubbed off the top but still included in the top contenders for the role of Christian Grey.

A new name in the list of which a few fans are drooling to play Grey is "Game of Thrones'" Jason Momoa. All thanks to Momoa's revealing interview with TMZ as to how he stays in shape, the actor had something in common with Grey making him eligible for the role.

Jason isn't the only hunky hottie who had made it to the top contenders list for Grey. "Avengers" star, Chris Hemsworth is still a fan favorite along with "Magic Mike's" Channing Tatum. Fans have even started out a campaign to get trainer, Jessie Pavelka on board for Christian Grey.

However, the strongest contenders for the role remain to be a fight between Matt Bomer, Ian Somerhalder and Henry Cavill. Yet, Bomer may already be out of the running given the "White Collar" actor did open up on the role saying he has no interest in it.

As for Ian Somerhalder and Henry Cavill, both stars are delighted to take part in the film. The big question however is, who would play Christian Grey far better? Would it be the brooding Salvatore brother from "The Vampire Diaries" or "Man of Steel" Cavill?