Google's popular e-mail service is getting an upgrade. According to the official Gmail blog Google is now going to make Gmail as "beautiful as it is powerful". This is part of Google's effort to bring users a more focused and effortless experience on its products.

Users can preview the new themes in their Gmail by changing the settings. The two new themes are called "Preview (Dense)" and "Preview" and gives users the chance to see the changes before they take effect. The changes won't take effect immediately so these previews are a chance for users to acclimatize themselves before Google rolls out the upgrades in the next few months. The only update that will happen automatically in the next few days is the redesigned Google Calendar.

The two new Gmail themes will allow Google to eventually expand to accommodate different screen sizes and user preferences but until then users can pick out the theme that suits their screen size.

The new designs are much cleaner and have a more modern look to them than the old Gmail design which is a good thing as the old interface has become a bit too dated. Google is still tweaking with the design and some features may not work as well in the new interface. According to Google: "We plan to fix these issues as we roll out changes in the coming months. You can also expect some updated themes that embody the same design principles but are better suited to working in a dark environment, use a different color palette, or include the illustrations that we know many of you love to see around your inbox."

If you don't like the new themes you can still give Google feedback before it changes the interface over the next few months.