inFamous: Second Son has received metascore of 80, with a number of reviews giving great praise to how the reboot was created.

For the most part, Sucker Punch Productions' newest release seems to showcase the height of next-gen gaming, but looking at the details, inFamous: Second Son does prove its worth as a game that fans of the franchise and gaming fans in general should give a try.

An enjoyable ride, an enjoyable world

Previous teasers leading towards the game have always highlighted the fact that inFamous: Second Son features a whole new Seattle, and one that's worth exploring.

The Guardian notes that the Seattle you see in the game is something that's worth exploring, considering that inFamous: Second Son also allows you to look into the world aside from playing through the missions.

Aside from all the pretty lights and details, what the inFamous: Second Son's Seattle offers is more than just a glimpse of the city, but also a glimpse of the power that the PS4 wields as a next-gen console.

Cool powers, but a bit on the familiar side

While Delsin has pretty cool powers, there is a limit to the wonders that they were able to bring to the table. Eurogamer reports that it's mostly a change in specifics, but the overall combat remains.

The restriction in terms of variation may be a bit off-putting for some, but there is a good balance in the powers that won't make you feel too powerful or too out of touch, and one that you can easily combine some strategic gameplay of your own.

Granted, there are pronounced differences in the powers that Cole had and the ones that Delsin enjoys. According to BGR, the smoke power allows Delsin to go up the vents of buildings while Neon lets him go from one area to another in seconds (speed of light, got it?).

Perhaps the biggest similarity would be in the way that Delsin always seems to be shooting something from his hands, though new sets of powers coming with additional content could easily do away with any monotonous trend in gameplay.

The superhero responsibility vs. blowing stuff up

As with any superhero game, it seems that one of the potential conflicts in meeting the responsibility thrust with the powers that you get, while also keeping a moral of being responsible for what you do as balancer to wreaking havoc.

Polygon states that, while inFamous: Second Son has tried to even add another layer of depth to the narrative, which is the issue of surveillance and the restriction of freedom in the modern sense, there seems to still be an inclination towards being a superhero with no repercussions than delving into the moral question.

But then again, half the fun of inFamous: Second Son seems to be in displaying and playing with Delsin's powers and seeing the full glory of mayhem in next-gen graphics.

Community views: Expert level and accepting the powers

As far as the difficulty in the game is concerned, Redditor Liammoz said that inFamous: Second Son would be a great run for those looking for a challenge when you play it on expert.

"I made a post saying I was a little disappointed that I completed it on normal in 7h. playing it again on expert 7h in and I am only just finishing clearing the second half of the map. With no mission completed on the second half."

It seems that on the expert level, players can expect smarter enemies and more powers for the bigger bosses. Expert level needs more strategy instead of just the aim-kill-run business.

But one good thing about inFamous: Second Son, at least according to Redditor Stabme is that the characters are portrayed as they are supposed to be--a guy who gets powers and gets excited by them.

"I kinda like it because it's cheesy. For once, it's not 'OMG I have these powers now, I never asked for this, I don't want this responsibility.' It's played out like a guy finally getting to live out his fantasy of being a power wielding badass and going with it," said Redditor Stabme.

Overall, inFamous: Second Son is potentially the best in the franchise. And even if you are not a fan of it, if you just want to be a superhero in your own right and actually enjoy it, this may be a game worth a try.

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