Google Android Lion vs Apple iOS 8: Why Make the Big Switch

Google's much awaited OS has gone by simply as Android L. Recent leaks suggest that the new mobile OS will be called Android Lion as the tech giant reportedly partners with Nestle. With Apple onto the release of its iOS 8 and Google unveiling the platform soon, the question now boils down to which is the better platform? Which OS should best suit users and why make the big switch?
In Google's last I/O Conference, the company did not just present the Android L as a mobile platform. It is also part of the company's initiative to create a more organized ecosystem synchronizing the platform across a number of devices like wearables, computers, tablets and TVs. While the same may be observed with other companies like Microsoft and Apple in 2015, the Android L is huge leap for Google according to Know Your Mobile.
According to Tech Radar, the Android L platform may go by the name Android Lion because of Google's reported partnership with Nestle. Initially, it may not seem like the name Lion is a sweet-based name but Nestle does have Lion Bar snacks. This is also supported by the leak from @emtleaks citing a GFXBench application.
Android 5.0 L vs iOS 8
In another report, Know Your Mobile notes that iOS 8 appears to have more features to compared to Android L. However, the number of features does not equate a better platform. Among the features of the iOS 8 include third-party keyboard support, more convenient Mail app, iCloud Drive, Spolight enhancements and new Health App. Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering, Craig Federigni, shares: "iOS 8 offers simpler, faster and more intuitive ways to use your device with incredible new features like iCloud Photo Library, a new Messages app, the QuickType keyboard and an entirely new Health app." The company also claimed that it has provided developers a range of tools to help them tweak applications allowing users to better manage their home devices and health data. Apple appears to be catching up on its Android competitor but it is also the case for Google. Apple is set to reveal the iOS 8 this week.
Google has announced its new design approach with Android L. It will feature a radical look. The most prominent change is the Material Design. This means Android will have a flatter look but also with consideration to elevation and depth. It will deliver interface elements with a touch of space. This will give users a more intuitive experience. It will also render better animation and lighting effects.
Both companies are striving to offer a more continuative experience across all of its devices. As with all mobile OS platforms, platform unity is crucial for an enhanced user experience. The foundation of this is design. Both Google and Apple are moving towards reconciling the gaps between their OS. The final verdict will be upon the release of the platforms. Nonetheless, ecosystem wise, Apple is leading because it has more unified system. Google on the other hand, may be able to spread its reach wider because of the Chrome usage. Google also offers a truer Android experience over its Nexus devices but it has no control over other Android manufacturers and how its interface is tweaked. Experience may vary challenging the overall evaluation of the platform.