Microsoft Bing is seen overtaking Google as more users are making the switch to the Bing powered research on the Internet.

According to a report by and the Experian Hitwise, the number of users of Bing, which is tied up with has increased in March 2011 by 30 percent of U.S. searches. Google, on the other hand, accounted for 64.42 percent of U.S. searches.

The technical and marketing innovations introduced by Bing and searches have remarkably increased the number of users in the last six months.

"Google might still be the leading search engine in the US by a large margin, but over the last six months, searches powered by Microsoft Bing are increasing at an impressive rate," web analysts said.

They took note that the 3 percent growth trend attained by Microsoft powered search engine would allow it to be on a neck and neck race against Google if not to totally surpass it.

In October 2010, Experian Hitwise reported that Google cornered 72.15 percent of the US search market for the preceding month. Bing powered search accounted for 23.64 percent during the same period.