Google has confirmed reports that the Texas Attorney General is investigating the company in connection with an anti-trust lawsuit by two firms claiming it manipulated search results to harm the complainants.

Don Harrison, Google's deputy general counsel, said in his blog post on Friday that the company will answer questions from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott related to the anti-trust review.

Harrison added that Google operates in the best interest of users.

TradeComet and myTriggers had charged in their anti-trust lawsuit that Google manipulates search results to harm the two companies. The case of TradeComet has been dismissed on grounds of wrong venue while the complaint of myTriggers is pending in Ohio.

The Texas AG investigation will also ask Google about the complaint of Microsoft-friendly price-comparison site called Foundem, an online shopping comparison site in Britai. Foundem has complained before European regulators that the search engine giant is downranking the site to put it out of business.