‘Home and Away’ spoilers for Oct. 10: Brody may put his family at risk again; Hunter has a proposal for Olivia

Big revelations and different pursuits for happiness hound Summer Bay on the upcoming episode of “Home and Away.” On Monday, Brody Morgan’s (Jackson Heywood) desire to make a good impression comes at a price – one that may disrupt peace among the Morgans and stir up trouble once again. His brother Justin Morgan (James Stewart), on the other hand, is busy trying to win back Phoebe Nicholson (Isabella Giovinazzo).
Meanwhile, Olivia Richards (Raechelle Banno) reels when Hunter King (Scott Lee) puts forward a life-changing offer. The Oct. 10 episode also features other “Home and Away” cast members including Katarina Chapman (Pia Miller), Martin “Ash” Ashford (George Mason), Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher), Roo Stewart (Georgie Parker) and Duncan Stewart (Benedict Wall).
“Home and Away” stars Nate Cooper (Kyle Pryor), Tori Morgan (Penny McNamee), Billie Ashford (Tessa De Josselin), VJ Patterson (Matthew Little), Leah Patterson-Baker (Ada Nicodemou), Zac Macguire (Charlie Clausen), Evelyn “Evie” MacGuire (Philippa Northeast), Mason Morgan (Orpheus Pledger), Matt Page (Alec Snow), Ellie Page (Darcey Wilson), John Palmer (Shane Withington), Marilyn Chambers (Emily Symons) and Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Home and Away" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Back to the Bay reports that on Monday’s run, Roo discovers what Caroline’s been hiding. Meanwhile, Brody’s new signature dish may win the approval of Salt’s customers, but could lead to trouble for his family. Justin, on the other hand, is determined to win Phoebe back. Elsewhere, Hunter chooses to venture on a new path and asks Olivia to join him.
Seven Network posted a sneak peek of this week’s run. In the trailer, an important person dines at Salt, making Brody extremely nervous. Another scene shows Caroline asking Duncan, “There’s no way to change your mind?” to which he replies, “No.” Seeing that she’s left with no choice, Caroline secretly leaves Summer Bay with Bryce. The upcoming episodes also feature Kat and Ash, who end up sleeping together. meanwhile, Nate threatens Billie that he’ll tell VJ the truth. Phoebe, on the other hand, doesn’t want to get any further with Justin.
In another preview video, Justin is confused why Phoebe’s treating him coldly. She thanks him for helping her deal with what happened with Billie, but doesn’t want to be close with him like before.
“Home and Away” recap
In the previous episode, Roo informed Alf and Duncan that Bryce’s gone missing. The two men rushed to look for the little boy. Roo, on the other hand, asked Tori and Leah to go with her and attend to Caroline, who’s a complete mess. When Tori asked Caroline if she took anything, Duncan’s ex-wife said she only had allergy pills. Roo was doubtful, saying that she smelled something when she first arrived there. She volunteered to look after Caroline, while Tori and Leah joined the search. Later, Tori finally found Bryce and she took him to the Stewarts’ home.
That night, Caroline turned up and asked her son why he ran away. Duncan wondered what happened and Caroline reiterated her alibi. Meanwhile, Roo searched through the caravan where Caroline’s staying and found a stash of marijuana. She immediately showed it to Alf and Duncan, who blew his top. Roo warned him that they need to be careful on handling the situation. The next day, Duncan confronted Caroline about her stash. An argument ensued and Caroline said they’re packing their bags to leave. Duncan stopped her and said he’ll fight for full custody, accusing Caroline of being an unfit mother. Alf and Roo did not exactly supported Duncan’s decision, making him even more angry.
When Duncan shared with Tori that Caroline’s been smoking pot, Tori said she suspected it but felt it wasn’t her place to say anything. Tori then raised the possibility that Caroline’s using it for medicinal reasons, and advised him to sort things out first before making any decision. Duncan, however, was set – he told Alf that he wants full custody of Bryce. Meanwhile, Caroline came clean to Roo, revealing that she has Huntington disease, an incurable illness.
Meanwhile, Hunter was getting overwhelmed with college decisions. He seemed to be bent on taking up sport physiotherapy, but Olivia appeared to be more pumped than he is.
Find out what happens next on “Home and Away,” which airs Monday to Thursday at 7pm on Seven Network in Australia. In the UK, “Home and Away” airs during weekdays at 1.15pm and 6pm on Channel 5.