‘Home and Away’ spoilers for Sept 14: Justin attempts to solve the Decker puzzle; Olivia’s nightmares aren’t over yet

A relentless pursuit for truth and justice seems to be the central theme of the next episode of “Home and Away.” On Wednesday, Justin (James Stewart) scrambles to find out the mystery hounding the federal police officer assigned to protect his family for years. Decker’s (John Adam) warning comes true – something bad has happened to him – and it may be up to Justin and his family to solve the case.
Meanwhile, Olivia Richards (Raechelle Banno) is horrified that Tabitha Ford (Eliza Scanlen) is still out to make her life a nightmare. This time, the cunning girl seeks to tarnish Olivia’s reputation using a controversial video. Other “Home and Away” cast members who will also appear on the upcoming installment include Tori Morgan (Penny McNamee), Brody (Jackson Heywood), Mason Morgan (Orpheus Pledger), Phoebe Nicholson (Isabella Giovinazzo), Katarina Chapman (Pia Miller), Nate Cooper (Kyle Pryor), Hunter King (Scott Lee) and VJ Patterson (Matthew Little).
“Home and Away” also stars Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher), Roo Stewart (Georgie Parker), Duncan Stewart (Benedict Wall), Martin “Ash” Ashford (George Mason), Leah Patterson-Baker (Ada Nicodemou), Zac Macguire (Charlie Clausen), Evelyn “Evie” MacGuire’s (Philippa Northeast), Chris Harrington (Johnny Ruffo), Billie Ashford (Tessa De Josselin), Matt Page (Alec Snow), Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger), John Palmer (Shane Withington) and Marilyn Chambers (Emily Symons).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Home and Away" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Back to the Bay reports that on Wednesday, Olivia can’t take Tabitha’s acts of vengeance anymore. Meanwhile, Kat and Ash still have feelings for each other, but they fight hard to quell it. Elsewhere, Justin goes off to look for answers about Decker.
Seven Network posted a sneak peek of the Sept. 14 episode. In the trailer, Decker is rushed to the hospital after his accident and Tori recognises him. Justin recommends going to the address that Decker gave them. Kat warns that it could be dangerous. Meanwhile, Olivia is horrified to see someone looking like her in a scandalous video. She warns Tabitha to stop ruining her life, but the latter says she hasn’t even started.
“Home and Away” recap
In the previous episode, Kat received a call from a possible employer, and she discovered that Ash pitched her for the job. She went to the garage to thank Ash, and the two bonded over fixing up a baby stroller for Billie's daughter. Kat was touched when she learned that Ash has been learning about Spanish so he could talk to Kat in that language.
Duncan was enjoying his time with Bryce and Caroline. Roo asked her for her true motives about her visit, but Caroline said she’s just there to bring her son and his dad together. However, it didn’t seem that it’s the only reason – when left alone, Caroline tried to appeal her case to Duncan. She started to cry and Duncan comforted her while Alf watched them from a distance. Later, Alf didn’t hesitate expressing his thoughts about Caroline, saying that he doesn’t want Duncan to start falling again for her. Duncan appreciated his father’s concern, but told him to back off and give him some space.
When Bryce seemed to distance himself from Alf because of how the old man’s treating Caroline, Alf decided it’s time to reach out to her. Alf and Caroline agreed to be civil with each other for the sake of Bryce. However, Alf threatened Caroline not to mess around with Duncan anymore.
Meanwhile, Brody told Justin about his dream – his mum in a heated argument with some guy. Decker kept bugging Justin, but he refused to talk to him. Later, Decker went to Phoebe’s house and gave her a small envelope. “If you care about Justin, see that he gets it,” Decker said. Kat tried to interrogate for being weird, but Phoebe dodged her questions. Phoebe spotted Brody at the beach and told him about Decker’s little visit. She said to tell Justin about the envelope.
Brody invited Decker over their house to talk about the syndicate’s rat in the force. Brody confronted him about bothering Phoebe, and Decker revealed that he’s also now a target by the syndicate. Decker then told Brody the same thing he instructed Justin – if anything happens to him, go to the address written inside the envelope. Decker then said something that made Brody realise he’s the guy who’s been arguing with their mum. He immediately called Justin to tell him that Decker has been lying to them right from the start.
When Brody told Justin about his discovery, the latter was dumfounded. It couldn’t be true – they met Decker after their parents died. Brody’s memory of his mum and the mystery guy was when he was 9 years old. Justin then called Decker to get some answers. However, it seemed that Decker was involved in a car crash, and the person responsible just drove off.
Find out what happens next on “Home and Away,” which airs Monday to Thursday at 7pm on Seven Network in Australia. In the UK, “Home and Away” airs during weekdays at 1.15pm and 6pm on Channel 5.