Several TouchPad tablets running the Android operating system have been shipped out to consumers, although Hewlett-Packard denying authorizing the shipment.

Reports have surfaced that several consumers have received TouchPads with the popular Google Android OS pre-loaded on the tablet. HP has released a statement that the company never authorized the development or distribution of an Android TouchPad.

In an e-mail to developers, HP's open source program officer, Phil Robb, said the manufacturer only shipped TouchPads with the webOS software and not the Android operating system.

"We have confirmed that HP never authorized the distribution of any version of Android on the HP Touchpad. In addition, from a review of our manufacturing process, we believe that all Touchpad units have been shipped out of manufacturing with the webOS operating system only, and that no Touchpad units were shipped with Android, even by mistake," Robb wrote.

Robb also asked the developers for any information on who might have provided the Android TouchPads.

"We presently believe that some person or persons unknown may have facilitated the delivery of these Android-based units strictly against the policy and authorization of HP," Robb wrote.

HP has stopped selling the TouchPads earlier this year and slashed their remaining to stock to $99 per tablet, prompting a massive fire sale of the discounted devices. Developers began working on porting the Android OS to the TouchPad after HP decided it would no longer support the webOS.

With Android running on the TouchPad, developers have asked HP to release the coding for the programming. But HP declined the request for the source code.

"Regarding your specific request for source code below, I must decline at the present time. HP has never authorized the distribution of any binaries for Android in association with the HP Touchpad," Robb wrote.

HP has declined to comment further on the matter.