"The Hunger Games" highly-anticipated sequel, "Catching Fire" may be set for a November 2013 release. Yet, that does not stop addicted fans from researching anything and everything about Suzanne Collins best-selling post apocalyptic novels.

Now with a new director on board, Director Francis Lawrence, his first order of business is casting roles for potential stars. News is Lawrence has found his Johanna Mason.

Jennifer Lawrence is set to return as "The Girl on Fire" from District 11, Katniss Everdeen. Alongside Jennifer is newly engaged, Liam Hemsworth, and Josh Hutcherson. A few new faces and new names will be added along with the cast for the sequel, "Catching Fire". While nothing is still written in stone, three contenders have been chosen for the spot of Finnick Odair. These three are Armie Hammer of "The Social Network", Taylor Kitsch of "John Carter" and Garrett Hedlund of "On the Road".

Finnick Odair is yet to be cast with three "potential" actors in the running for it. However, the three potential actors have been cut down to only two. In an interview with Celebuzz, Taylor Kitsch confirms he won't be joining the "Hunger Games" sequel. Well, that leaves two "potential" actors up for the role.

Ironically, news broke out about "Twilight" star, Robert Pattinson being cast as Finnick Odair. The rumors and news of course are all untrue. Even Robert Pattinson was a bit confused about all the news saying he was chosen as a potential cast for "The Hunger Games".

"I woke up this morning and saw all these things about me being cast in The Hunger Games," said Pattinson in an interview with USA Today.

"I was kind of curious for a second. So I called my agent. (My agent) was like no one's going to offer you that part," reported Pattinson with a laugh, adding, "I was like, thanks for the reassurance."

As for the role of the feisty tribute, Johanna Mason, there are two "potential" actresses eyed for the role. These two would be none other than Mia Wasikowska of "Alice in Wonderland" and new comer, Zoe Aggeliki.

According to The Playlist, Director Francis Lawrence is seeking lesser known talents and big name actresses for the part. There has been no word from both actresses' representatives which leaves fans to wonder who might get the part. As for everyone else, the campaign flag for Mila Kunis as Johanna Mason still flies high.