Three of the most innovative apps for mobile phones is now available in the market.

Remember It App

Available at for the price of US$0.99.

Alarms used to have only one purpose - to tell you what time it is. Now things have changed with the new Remember It App, "the world's first location-based alarm," invented by Fernando Pizarro.

It reminds you of something you would not want to forget upon leaving a certain place.

So if you keep on forgetting your keys, credit card, buying flowers for the wife, or picking up the kid at school, Remember It App is the one application that needs to be in your phone.

You set the alarm where you do not want to forgot something, and the alarm sounds off when you leave the place. You can choose from 50-, 200- and 500-meter alarm zones and set the alarm to one of your phone songs. Currently, it is not possible to input reminders, but after an update in June, you'll be able to add text, use a default alarm noise, set any distance. It will also be available for simultaneous use with other applications.

The inventor, Fernando Pizarro, is a business man from the San Francisco Bay Area. In the Apple Web site, he said that he like to come up with ideas that rely on technology for problem-solving and making life better.

"Remember It App was an invention born of necessity. A night of heavy drinking, a bar tab left open, and a horrible hangover the next morning all led to the sinking realization that I'd lost my credit card. As I stared into my coffee at IHOP and dug for enough change to pay for my Rooty Tooty Fresh and Frooty, I asked myself why there isn't an alarm that would keep me from forgetting things in a specific place. Necessity spawned invention. I made a nice little cartoon for you, but it's really pretty simple. Set the alarm in a place and it goes off when you leave that place," Pizarro related.

Oakwood Neighborhood iPhone App

Free at iTunes

Web site:

Oakwood is one of the premiere serviced apartments worldwide, with properties in the U.S. and Europe. In the Asia Pacific region, Oakwood is found in China, Indonesia, India, Korea, Japan, Thailand, and the Philippines. By 2014, fourteen more properties are scheduled to open in the region.

With the Oakwood Neighboorhood App, a guest is given the chance to explore the Oakwood community's restaurants, bars, shops, schools, banks, transportation facilities, and hospitals. The application also offers tips and recommendations on the well kept secrets of Oakwood.

Key features include maps for exact directions on how to get to a place. Profiles and images of Oakwood properties, and a bookings page, can also be accessed through the applications.

Free at iTunes and Android Stores

Web site:

The hotel-booking website has just launched apps for iPhone and Android users. The apps provide users with access to approximately 135,000 hotels around the world. The apps is available in 30 languages.

The apps boasts a "sign-in-once" feature. This means that a user can access his or her account without passwords and log-in names, and even access booking information offline.

"It's essentially an extension of the website, so once you're logged in you can access things such as user reviews and hotel deals, and book them up immediately. It also means you can leave your laptop behind and book more hotels while already on your trip," said a CNNGo report.