iOS 10.2 Jailbreak tool update: Tool not coming as Apple improves security patches

Many Jailbreak tool fans waiting for the update on their iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. However, it seems that makers of the tool have been on hiatus as all the known jailbreakers are staying silent. According to reports, this is due to Apple improving their security patches in the iOS 10.2.1.
Apple rolled out the latest 10.2.1 update for their iDevices on Jan. 23. Two days after, Chinese jailbreak team Pangu announced a delay release of the 10.2 Jailbreak tool. This was the biggest news that jailbreak fans were able to receive. Luca Todesco, the famous 19-year-old hacker to jailbreak the iOS 10, has also been laying low from the jailbreak spotlight. While he was one of the first hackers to find exploits in the iOS Apple releases, he has not said much of the newest 10.2.1 iOS update.
According to Todesco, the main reason for hackers to lay low is that they cannot exploit Apple’s system anymore. It is said that the iOS 10 updates has been effective in keeping jailbreakers out of the system. According to the Pangu team, they are just waiting for a stable iOS 10 to be released so they can further work on it. However, it seems that fans are not convinced since the team has kept mum.
Besides the Pangu team, there is also Todesco. He was able to roll out his Yalu102, which is his jailbreak tool for the iOS 10.2. However, many users claim that it is not stable. Furthermore, it has an untethered jailbreak meaning users will have to jailbreak their phone when they restart or turn off their phone.
Luca Todesco cannot jailbreak iPhone 7 running iOS 10.2
Beyond the clamouring fans of the jailbreak community about the latest tools, it seems that Todesco knows something others do not. He took to Twitter to express his opinion on Feb. 17. He said, “I find it hilarious that the people that keep asking for i7 10.2 support cannot understand that if it's not supported, there's a reason.” It is unknown what this reason is.
On Jan. 23, he also tweeted about leaving the jailbreak community. He said, “PSA: I will stop all public iOS research after I drop that 10.2 thing. The idiocy of the jailbreak community is too much to handle for me.”